Fri 27 Jan, 2006 04:34 am
i'm not tall , only 5'8 and my shoulders are really narrow which makes me look small, im 17. what exercise should i do? and my diet...
thanks !
Posture, posture! Don't know if you can widen your shoulders, but you should be able to narrow your waist, which will make your shoulders appear wider.
Escercises that work the pectoral and deltoid muscles will build up muscle mass and make your shoulders appear to be wider. Power cleans, dumbells for deltoids, bench press and pushups for pectorals is what works best for me.
Right, Lincoln. Welcome to the forum.
You too, adren.
Power cleans are a terrific all around strength building exercise, as well.
Lat machine pulldowns enhance width of the upper back. Use medium grip. Do not do them behind your neck, as this places undue stress on shoulder and elbow joints.