My cats are trying to kill me....preemptive strike time?

Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:10 pm
I know it seems odd, but let me tell you about the latest incident....

The other, extremely hot, night, I had a little fan running in my bedroom.

It was standing upon my dresser.

Around 3 am, the cats, after, no doubt, much plotting, began to gallop around the house, ostensibly "playing".

After a while I heard a small crash....deciding, as is my wont, to ignore it, and deal with it in the morning, I went back to sleep.

Imagine my horror in the morning when a truly sinister sight met my eyes.

There, on the carpet, was the little fan, separated into several pieces........ but still bravely turning was the metal rod which turns the fan assembly. Most chilling of all..........amidst the wreckage, placed so as to terrify and appal me, was a TOY MOUSE!

Had the fan landed, as was doubtlessly intended, face down....well, one can only imagine the terrible flames which would have engulfed me when the thing overheated and shorted on the carpet....

This is not, I regret to say, the first attempt.

I say that these terrible actions breach Section I, subsection 2a, of the code governing, lo these many millenia, the relationship between human and domestic cat, solemnly agreed to and ratified by all human and feline creatures, automatically, when they take up residence together.

Now.....previous breaches have been discussed and warnings made, though I imposed no sanctions.

Do the good folk of A2k believe, with me, that I am now entitled to strike, before a further plot against me is hatched?

I believe in humane killing, so a little guillotine is on its way towards us....(the net is a great place!)

Please comment, giving reasons, citing the relevant laws, and arguing precedents.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 4,253 • Replies: 120
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:12 pm
Let them eat cake!
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:23 pm
I think you need to secure your fan by some mechanical means...
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:25 pm

I have found that in the case of cats, surrender is your only option. They have legions out there! If you pre-empt a strike it will only bring destruction upon thee! Shocked

I do have one cat here at the shelter who has defected to my side. He takes quite a lot of persecution from the other cats, but he stands strong with me. So, he makes a good spy! :wink:

Anyway, I have tried to live by this rule:

Dogs think they are humans and Cats know that they are Gods.

It seems to keep the assassination attempts on my life to a minimum. :wink:
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:26 pm
the only good cat is a dead cat
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:27 pm
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:32 pm
Yer not foolin' an old timer like myself, dlowan. You've got siamese. DNA evidence now suggests they are not even closely related to cats of any sort.
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:35 pm
Any time is good preemptive strike time when it concerns cats.
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:49 pm
i blame things like this

stuff on my cat

you personally may not put stuff on your cat, but word of these things get around in the cat community, and i'm sure they're getting pretty pissed off, maybe the fan was a subtle warning, put stuff on us, we'll drop stuff on you
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:50 pm
On further thought... I think it's the fan that's out to get you, dlowan. Or worse yet, out to get the cats! That fan needs to be behind bars!
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 06:53 pm
As it is well known that cats is the spawn of SATAN, and that antipodean lagomorphs are one of history's greatest scourges upon mankind, i find myself in a quandry as to whether one should simply sit back and enjoy the mayhem, or move to preserve our virtual companion . . .
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:00 pm
Cats should be confined to zoos and desert islands.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:00 pm
Oh Setanta,

So deceived by the canines. Cats are furry little creatures that purr in your ear and love you! Dogs, however, are worse than the spawn of Satan! Evil or Very Mad

My neighbor just came over today and told me that our other neighbor's dogs are killing my outside cats and eating them. Those dogs are starved. I have taken food to those people for the dogs and have called the sheriff several times. They say they can do nothing.

Well, I can. Well, my .357 Magnum can. I love all animals but I draw the line when they start killing each other like this.

Just kidding about dogs. I really do love them too! :wink:


You have Siamese? Oh my! No pre-emptive strike will succeed. My Siamese will stalk me for days until he has gotten the upperhand again! Then he is once again soft, furry, and purring in my ear! Laughing
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:11 pm
Thanks djjd, that link's hilarious

Now I wanna have this as avatar:


or i would, if i did animal avatars .

oh wait i got a fish now. well, anyway.
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:24 pm
They do not like cake, nor am I in the mood to proffer it.

The fan is dead.

A poison comes for reasoned debate and assistance and gets OPINIONS and PREJUDICE (spawn of satan etc.)

I'm guillotining 'em if I don't hear some good pleas that it is unlawful/irrational pretty damn soon!
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:26 pm
Will there be video?
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:28 pm
"Thou shalt not kill." Laughing :wink:
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:33 pm

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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:33 pm
That is an attempt, MA, but cites no case law, nor does it argue chapter and verse of the agreement i cited in my first post.

I shall ignore the dog.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:35 pm
dlowan wrote:
That is an attempt, MA, but cites no case law, nor does it argue chapter and verse of the agreement i cited in my first post.

I shall ignore the dog.

Well, give me a minute to come up with something. I'm trying! I rescue cats! Hey, send them to me! Will that work? Laughing
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