Thu 12 Jan, 2006 11:05 pm
I posted bond for a developmentality challenged person to release him from jail. He was very afraid and in tears over the telephone. He was arrested for some traffic violations. At the sentencing hearing his attorney used my bond money to pay his own fees and court costs without consulting me! As a "third party" bond depositor. by law in this county, I was entitled to my bond money back. When I went to collect my bond money from the county clerk's office, I was given a check of a small fraction of what I was suppose to get. I protested and was asked by the court clerk, "why do you want the bond money back?" I was shocked. They then said it was too late to get it back. (as the check had already been made out in my name) I tried every avenue and wrote letters and filed briefs but to no avail. I even reported the attorney to the Attorney Greivance Commission. They took the case but dismissed the case without telling me why. Any opinions?