Just living up to the apparent expectation of me... wouldn't want to disappoint anyone ya know? :wink:
Ok after thinking about it... I've made a decision...
I would rather be an illiterate monkey
Than a jackal waiting in the bushes to try and get a few scraps from someone elses prey...
Just a thought...
Good night to you all.
But, that's exactly what you TRIED to be. Your master wasn't a good enough hunter. So, you just keep wandering around in the bushes, and whine some more, k?
And, that's goodnight to you!
I would like to see your burden of proof for this please....
LOL!!!! Look who's asking for PROOF of something.
Yeah. Hold your breath, please. BRB... LOL!!!
oh... are you dodging lash?? such a shame....
hephzibah wrote:Why isn't anyone responding to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Hi Heph it's nice to talk to you.
Hi chumly... nice to talk to you too... umm that wasn't talking though... it was whining... sigh...
Chumly didn't ya know...
I'm an illiterate monkey and a self-absorbed woman, whose every third post is a harangue about why nobody answers me fast enough.
I just thought I should whine a little so as to not disappoint anyone..
Sometimes I'm so sad when I look in the mirror...
You know... A2K has really changed me...
I haven't decided if it's been for the better or the worse...
I'll have to think on that one...
kickycan wrote:Just curious, Momma: How many people have to think you're a pathetic, phony attention-whore before you're finally satisfied?
Have some decorum plz...
Or is it the same attention you are seeking?
hephzibah wrote:You know... A2K has really changed me...
I haven't decided if it's been for the better or the worse...
I'll have to think on that one...
I have had friends & lovers who led a rose colored glasses, idealistic style of life; until something changed.
Some are angered at what they have become and look back, and some accept.
hephzibah wrote:I'm an illiterate monkey and a self-absorbed woman, whose every third post is a harangue about why nobody answers me fast enough.
I, however, am the most witty and erudite doggie online . . .
Indeed...I suspect the Unreddy (meaning the unwise) will try some more strange and hollow attempts to bully.....
All to defend one full of lies and hypocrisy writ large on a public website, and yet not admitted.
Oh tremble!
More of god's armies to rain down hell fire upon us!
They cannot even see it is not the silly proselytizing (which has been bootless) but the tricks and appeals to pity for feigned helplessness that sickens.
Odd to be unable, apparently, to see the simple reality of the offence.
It is a tarbaby, Nimh......