there are now more personalities - and I think that is bringing some level of uneasyness
oh JB I've been around along time in S&R - I had to back off somewhat
husker wrote:there are now more personalities - and I think that is bringing some level of uneasyness
Most people don't like change.
The old days are still around a number of pages back, You could check them out if you want.
Phoenix made the point on another thread about treating such extremes with indifference.
To me, that also includes the "hard core atheist" camp.
I get bored with the repetition of both sides.
Correct - it's not debate, it's argument.
Some information is requested, someone always takes the first opportunity to turn it into some kind of back and forth that is so polarized it numbs the mind.
So, one walks away with the feeling that there is no real conversation going on, just another opportunity to peck at each other.
thunderrunner - I'm not so sure about that people don't like change.
We just don't like change that isn't going our way.
I see the opposite - There is NO change going on, making some antsy.
I wish the theists would stop responding to the atheists.
I wish the antheists would stop provocking the theists.
In either direction, it's throwing gasoline on a fire.
Someone needs to be big enough to back off first.
How many times have we read in a post (I've been guilty of this myself) something to the effect of "I'm done here, I'm not going to respond to that"
Yet, within a page, they are back at it, usually through the goading of someone else.
That sounds really childish both ways actually
"hard core atheists" well, off the top of my head, meself and edgarblythe are the only "hard core atheists" regulars on a2k and I really don't see either one of us attempting to dominate anything.
Wasn't even thinking of you.
Actually, it's more of what I stated further on....
Why do the 2 groups even respond to each other?
What Set says is true, about of course having the right to access any thread and comment. No argument there.
However, why bother when you know what the response is going to be. It's not like either group is going to change the other.
I'm all for sometimes saying something provacative to get a discussion out of neutral, but remarks from both sides that are just going to be responded to in the same way over and over isn't provoking new thought, it's just sealing in the animosity and repetition.
Really, if you are an atheist, why would you have much interest in what goes on in that forum, unless it just to mock their beliefs.
Like I've said, you have every right, but why?
It's very unproductive t o everyone.
Pure entertainment can't be ruled out.
Questioner wrote:Pure entertainment can't be ruled out.
Hi ?er,
You are partially right, I think.
To see the current crop of atheists/agnostics wringing their hands over the presence of 'so many Christians' in a Spirituality & Religion forum is highly entertaining.
The nostalgic pining and the whining for 'the old days' has made me laugh so hard my sides start to hurt.
The way it was: A bunch of atheists and agnostics would start threads to insult Christians and Christianity.
I didn't like making comments on religious threads, because you couldn't just comment. The tone made me feel I had o convince someone I was right. You couldn't have a simple conversation about any peripheral stuff about Christianity--much less have an uninterrupted discussion about any number of nuances, dogma, practices, beliefs...withour Frank or Set or the Atheist of the Day ruining the conversation.
The difference now is that Christians are starting the conversations, and there are enough of them to make a bit of progress in a couple of discussions. The Atheists still can't seem to stand to let them talk, but the numbers are evening out the disparity a bit.
I can't figure out why its like that.
But, the old days sucked.
But, Frank (95% of the time) wasn't as nasty about it as the current primary bloviator.
Chai Tea,
One of the reasons why I as an atheist get involved with theists is that since 9/11 etc the stakes have been raised. The positions are not equivalent in terms of "earthly rationality". On other threads you will find references to Harris and Dawkins who are heading the attack on "moderates" who provide the mental smokescreen behind which extremists can operate.
Well, I don't mind taking it on the chin. It strengthens my neck. And I like watching both sides struggle the rest of the time. Who mentioned the word entertainment?
So, carry on!
But, Frank (95% of the time) wasn't as nasty about it as the current primary bloviator.
*bloviates all over the floor*
Clean that up, please.
Darn, Lash...
I find myself agreeing with you more and more.