Eorl wrote:Bartikus,
I disagree.
Many things (if not MOST things) we learn for ourselves through interaction with the world (not to be confused with information from an outside source.
People teach us things but often we don't really learn them until we try them oursleves.
We do learn FOR OURSELVES through interactions in the WORLD. The world ......is external though you make up a part of this world...it is very small. And, yes we do learn things from that which we experience.
All experience is unique and yets holds similarities with others.
Why is one person's experience foolishness and another's experience fact? It's not hard to see why that is. If I have experienced something that not many have it is 'far fetched' and ridiculed.
If I share an experience that is nearly common to all....it is accepted as being true.
What if truth is not a common discovery as we all hope it is?
We do learn FOR oursleves but not without external factors. A book, a speech, a song, nature, other people etc......
What would a child ever learn in a vacuum? They would not even learn or experience lonliness.
If a person says they experienced the presence and healing powers of God....those who have not or don't have faith in such things will say.....bull...it is all in your head. Why? Because very few have experienced it and the big reason is. "Because I have not experienced it...it must be bull". That is such a far out idea.....and yes it is far out.... and away from many.