Cliff Hanger wrote:I blame George Bush for all things that befall man.
LOL So who you gonna blame when he's no longer president?
Then the new president will blame Bush too.
It is not right that man blames God for all the bad things that happen to him. It is simply a matter of a test from God if a human has patience and constancy in religion; if a human has trust in God.
If you analyze the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), his life was full of misfortunes and trials--but he was patient and constant and neevr turned away from his religion. In many different accounts, he converted entire nations and tribes....this is why Islam spread so quickly in that era--because of his kindness, generosity, and patience.
Eorl wrote:Then the new president will blame Bush too.
Heehee, funny.
I can see the new president doing something immoral and the public getting upset...and the new one giving everyone Bush's phone number or new house address.
Why do people blame God for all things that befalls man..?
first of all let me say that man and woman started out early blaming God Adam said to God that woman eve that you gave to me, give me the fruit and i did eat... then Eve in return said the the snake in the garden told me it was ok to eat and that i would be wise like God... so man from the first start blames his sins on someone else... in the case of Adam and Eve the finger was pointed at someone else...just like man today he always wants his short comings put somewhere else besides his own doings..... I know that many folks refuse to believe in God and that is their choice... just like Adam and Eve had a free will choice to eat the forbidden fruit... one of the gentleman who posted quesioned me about my faith and me being a christian... let me conclude with these words ,Jesus christ said that a man must be born again... born of the spirit ... Christ also says that we are not to judge one another... how can one man know what is in the heart of the other? As in my case i repented on my sins and asked God to forgive my sins.. i know that i don't deserve his forgiveness... and im also wise enough to know that man is saved by grace... which is a gift of God...if you post about this let me assure you that i can not know your heart or you intentions or even your thoughts on the subject of man blaming God... my post are not intended to change or alter anybody choice on believing in God or not... my personal faith is not your personal faith maybe.. you can believe what you want to is the main issue about God..i know that also people rarely ever change there thoughts and there stand is sure ... it is not my purpose to change you that read my post .. i have the free right to give my opinions on my faith toward God....
My whole life has been devoted to the study of the Bible and it truths.. i have made in a point to seek out right and to find the way that man should walk before God... i do acknowledge that man is weak and is given to many lustful things... like greed malice , hate.. hating God who formed him in his mother womb..The word of God states this plainly all have sinned and come short of the glory of God..I have been called a fool ,laughted at... moke... scorned because i believe in God... referred to as a pure stupid idiot...but i really don't care i know in my heart what i stand for and what i stand against...I might not believe what you do or act like you but does that make me any less of a human being than you are.....?
I think I can honestly say I know just how you are feeling from your last post. I've felt that way myself. Then someone helped me with this. Someone explained some of this to me in a private message and helped me to understand something I was not seeing at all. I am going to ask them if I can share that with you. If it is ok, I will send it to you in a PM.
Please don't take too much to heart what some are saying in response to your posts. What is important is your relationship with the Lord, not your relationship with the posters on these threads. There are plenty that believe as you do and do want to have discussions with you.
If you would like me to share with you what was shared with me, let me know.
mqueen, perhaps you've been ridiculed because you've crossed a boundary with whomever addressed you this way. I seriously doubt that anyone is going to riducule you because you believe in God. However, they may ridicule you because you simply go too far. If you tell me I'm a sinner, well, then, I will politely tell you to kiss my ass.
Evoking Adam and Eve as the founders of human weakness makes for an interesting age-old story, however, it does nothing to solve or prevent the real dangers, immense suffering and profound imbalance in the world. Denying oneself anger at the world, God, or any entity that deserves the acknowlegement of that anger is not the work of Infidels, rather it is a healthy human response to what "befalls man."
Cliff Hanger wrote:I seriously doubt that anyone is going to riducule you because you believe in God.
I'm guessing you're new here.
Anyone who makes an assertion on these boards which they can not back up with logic and evidence, and continues to make the assertion after this has been demonstrated, can expect a certain amount of ridicule. The christian faith is considered by many on this forum as already discredited, and so the ridicule comes swiftly. You just call them on it, parry, make some witty remarks of your own, and throw in an argument every once in a while. In short; have fun.
Welcome to the web.
in reply to the statement i dont recall mcqueen saying he w
one thing i have learned that folk want to put anyone down that makes some sence about things that petain to God, you and that angle lady , make the statement that i never said i was a christian, Jesus said a man must be born again, meaning of the lord spirit , a man cannot be saved less the spirit of God draw him, God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth, he seeks such to worship him amen..
ok mcqueen, can you put that into a sentence so the rest of the world has a clue to what you just said?
I sincerely hope you did not take my statement about you not stating you were a Christian as derogatory. That is not what I meant. I just felt that assumptions were being made about you before you actually made your religion known.
And there are some that will ridicule you just because you believe in God. That's just part of life mcqueen. All you can do is state your beliefs, etc., and plant the seed. Whether or not those seeds are accepted and nurtured is not in your control.
I understood you perfectly, mcqueen.
I would venture a guess and say that I am pretty sure that most actually understood what you meant. It is very clear that you love God. Some people just don't understand that. Some people don't believe in God. Some say they have no need for God. Some want proof of God.
But, I am pretty sure that they understand that you do love God and because of that love you want to share it with others.
Hold up -- are you saying that those who are not religious can't understand why other people are religious?
No, no, not at all. Not at all. I think non-religious can certainly understand why others are religious. I think what I have learned through this thread and others is that the non-religious are having a hard time understanding how the religious can seemingly abandon logic and reason in favor of what they consider blind faith.