material girl
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 06:41 am
In general the man is supposed to be seen as the man of the house but I have noticed all the wives in older married couples are the more dominant of the pair and the husbands are all henpecked, quiet, do as they are told types.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 07:21 am
Whilst in bed, unless the plot is gripping, the same page of a paperback will be read at least five times during the course of a week, before one manages to stay awake long enough to progress onto the next one. The whole process is then repeated.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 08:09 am
material girl wrote:
In general the man is supposed to be seen as the man of the house but I have noticed all the wives in older married couples are the more dominant of the pair and the husbands are all henpecked, quiet, do as they are told types.

I'd disagree with that, but my wife told me not to.
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material girl
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 08:16 am
George wrote:
material girl wrote:
In general the man is supposed to be seen as the man of the house but I have noticed all the wives in older married couples are the more dominant of the pair and the husbands are all henpecked, quiet, do as they are told types.

I'd disagree with that, but my wife told me not to.

Haha, I didnt mean to say all husbands turn into weakened states of their former self, it just seems like that from where I can see.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 09:24 am
You've noticed the same thing I have, material girl. Except I think of it differently.

When a couple is young, the male is dominant. As they age, the female becomes more dominant. It sorta balances things out. Everyone gets a turn.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 10:02 am
Someone will become very wealthy the minute they patent healthy foods that taste and look like junk food that people believe are decadent (hamburger-shaped and flavored carrots, anyone?).

The minute you get over acne, you get wrinkles. Or you get them at the same time. Everyone has five minutes of perfect skin, and it happened when you were a newborn.

No one will ever make a sweater out of LordE's belly button lint, no matter how many times he asks nicely.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 10:07 am
The dominance thing.....It's called being gradually worn down.

We see it quite a bit with our friends. I'm glad to say that we have always had a 50 - 50 relationship, with my wife taking control of the things that she's best at, and vice versa.
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material girl
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 10:31 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
The dominance thing.....It's called being gradually worn down.

Sadly tho im female, I totally agree, shame, I wish it could all be 50-50.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 02:00 am
I have just done this thing again this morning, so it reminded me.....


Whilst dressing, at least once a month, one gets one's head stuck in an armhole.
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the prince
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 02:05 am
That has never happened to me !! I must be doing something wrong.....
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Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:47 am
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:18 am
14. Its impossible to look cool whilst picking up a Frisbee.

While innocently doing research to verify this item at a Florida beach, the bikinied girls seemed to vary in their coolness from a low of "Oh Wow" to a supremo "Holyoke, Massachusetts, you can see all the way to her rhizomes!", I was struck both by the beauty and flow of their movements and by my wife's left fist.

Joe(Hey, this is science!)Nation
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:19 am
I forgot.

The six orphan socks from last week's laundry won't match any of the eight orphan socks from this week's laundry.

A careful mathematical projection of this data will predict a need to buy all new socks every nine and half months.

Men will never do this, preferring to wear unmatched socks until they, the socks, fall off their feet during the playoffs.

Joe(Not wearing socks)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:48 am
Black socks from different manufacturers, or different racks in the store, vary, to a surprising extent, in precise color, in type of material in the knit, in amount of ribbing, in length of leg to be covered, and so forth, but they work together in dim light to be indistinguishable to the sock sorter person.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:53 am
If you drop a slice of buttered toast, it will inevitably land "butter-side down."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:56 am
Hence the insolveable dilema of what happens when you tie a piece of toast butter side up to the back of a cat.
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Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:03 am
When someone claims to simply be arguing "common sense", it usually means he doesn't know anything about the subject.

Whenever someone claims to be just "saying it like it is", he is likely to be either socially inept or a judgemental prick.

I am in the former category.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:05 am
Chai Tea wrote:
Hence the insolveable dilema of what happens when you tie a piece of toast butter side up to the back of a cat.

Huh, trip out. Never even thought about doing that.

<off to look for a cat on this 4th floor>
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Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:09 am
George wrote:

Sounds like an insult from someone who doesn't know his ass from his elbow . . .
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material girl
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:13 am
Alot like the frisbee comment-

Its very difficult to look cool walking back from the toilets back to your friends in a pub.
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