Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 04:32 am
1. Triangular sandwiches taste better than square ones.

2. At the end of every party there is always a girl crying.

3. One of the most awkward things that can happen to a man in a pub is when his pint-to-toilet cycle gets synchronised with a complete stranger.

4. Reading when you're drunk is horrible.

5. Sharpening a pencil with a knife makes you feel really manly.

6. You're never quite sure whether it's against the law or not to have a bonfire in your back garden.

7. You never know where to look when eating a banana.

8. Rummaging in an overgrown garden will always turn up a bouncy ball.

9. Everyone always remembers the day a dog ran into their school.

10.The most embarrassing thing you can do as schoolchild is to call your teacher mum or dad.

11. The smaller the monkey the more it looks like it would kill you at the first given opportunity.

12. Some days you see lots of people on crutches.

13. Every male has at some stage while taking a pee flushed half way through and then raced against the flush.

14. Its impossible to look cool whilst picking up a Frisbee.

15. Driving through a tunnel makes you feel excited.

16. You never ever run out of salt.

17. Old ladies can eat more than you think.

18. There's no panic like the panic you momentarily feel when you've got your head stuck in something.

19. No one knows the origins of their metal coat hangers.

20. Despite constant warning, you have never met anybody who has had their arm broken by a swan.

21. The most painful household incident is wearing socks and stepping on an upturned plug.

22. People who don't drive slam car doors too hard .

23. You've turned into your dad the day you put aside a thin piece of wood specifically to stir paint with.

24. Everyone had an uncle who tried to steal their nose.

25. Bricks are horrible to carry.

What are your truisms?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 3,433 • Replies: 102
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material girl
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 05:11 am
Ive done number 21.It hurt like hell.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 05:20 am
I have a flat stick to stir paint with.....

oh.......and people will believe anything if you whisper it.

The kid who hits back always gets caught.

The early worm is caught by the bird
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 07:22 am
a friend in need is a pest.
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 08:18 am
There is something just too beautiful about

9. Everyone always remembers the day a dog ran into their school.

I really don't think I know anything truer than that.
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 08:23 am
One cat is more than enough.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 09:35 am
When visiting the loo at a friend's house, the degree by which one's pee suddenly alters direction in mid flow, increases in direct relation to the absorbency of the adjacent wallpaper.
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 09:37 am
The need for toilet paper is inversely proportionate to its availability.
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 09:38 am
boomerang wrote:
There is something just too beautiful about

9. Everyone always remembers the day a dog ran into their school.

I really don't think I know anything truer than that.

There's something beautiful about a dog with a broken nose?

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material girl
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 09:49 am
If a false rumour floats about, people will always believe it and never except the truth.

There is always somebody in the next toilet cubicle when you desperately need to break wind.

Men lie even if they knows its gona get them into even more trouble.

When im in my car i think no one can see me.
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 09:52 am
material girl wrote:
When im in my car i think no one can see me.

This one is actually true.
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 09:53 am
Everyone, even if they claim otherwise, picks their nose.

Everyone, even if they claim otherwise, knows what ear wax tastes like.
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material girl
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 10:00 am
I promise i have no idea what my ear wax tastes like and I have no desire to!!!

Tho I was entirgued by a guy friend admitting that he had tasted his own sperm!!!Any other guys wanna own up to that?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 10:02 am
(My husband made me turn this one into a sign for my office because I say it all the time.)

Nothing runs by itself.
Everything has to be fiddled with.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 10:02 am
Re. the sperm thingy....Any man worth his salt won't admit to that one!
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material girl
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 10:03 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Re. the sperm thingy....Any man worth his salt won't admit to that one!

Hmmm, why did you use the word salt??!!
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 10:12 am
material girl wrote:
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Re. the sperm thingy....Any man worth his salt won't admit to that one!

Hmmm, why did you use the word salt??!!

No idea, why do you ask?

<insert grinning devil emoticon here>
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 10:13 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
material girl wrote:
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Re. the sperm thingy....Any man worth his salt won't admit to that one!

Hmmm, why did you use the word salt??!!

No idea, why do you ask?

Twisted Evil
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 10:14 am
Mindless sex.

There comes a point when all sex is mindless.
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material girl
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 10:14 am
Mwohahahahaha, youve been a naughty boy, go straight to my room!!
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