Green Witch - Thank you... I sent them an e-mail. Every time I come back to the US I spend at least a day at a public library. I know it sounds unbelievable but almost no one goes to the library in Eastern Europe. Only 2 libraries in the whole country are equipped with computers... people here are really behind.
cicerone imposter -
Thanx.. I really had no idea that UC Berkeley has lost its prestige... It's always been in the top 10.... Grrrr.... I was thinking of aplying there but... oh well...
It's really important to me that I get the best education. I've struggled so much to have all "A" and to pass the AP exams and SATs that I'm absolutely obsessed with getting one of the top 10 economics schools. I'm considering a double major with Social Anthropology or Comparative Human Development( or History in the worst case scenario).