wearing: old sneakers (which now probably have goatshead stickers in the treads), grey sweat pants, a grey blue knitty hoodie, that's it.
hearing: my old fallback, Fabrizio de Andre's Mi Innamoravo di Tutto cd, the first piece, Coda di Lupo, loudish
eating: thinking about what to do with the mushrooms
drinking: nothing yet, just wait
smelling: nada, I've lousy smelling
doing: trying to read the last six pages of Lawrence on the Etruscans before I shower and cook dinner
looking forward to: seeing cousins in fall, maybe taking trip to CA with them (depends on money)
wanting: this weather to continue (I'm not very fond of the spring winds here, and it's still today, probably through March, though we've already had a couple of whipper snappers)