wearing: The 17' Spring bum collection, blue plaid pajama pants and a grey sweatshirt topped off with a black sock hat.
hearing: A song I found a few weeks ago from 1984, it's odd but I like it...mainly the drums....dude mixed a bit of opera with mid 80's synth pop. Madame Butterfly by Malcolm McLaren.
eating: Nothing at the moment but I'm gettin' a might bit peckish.
drinking: Diet Dr. Pepper, and Amaretto when needed....I'm out of cough syrup and that almost does the trick, tastes better too.
doing: Was looking for something I wrote years ago here at A2K...always check your references folks....even when referencing yourself.
looking forward to: Opening my mail, just got a shipment of {comic} books all the way from Canada, the packages are really cold.
feeling: Almost over my latest cold, so a little better than crap.
wanting: Just a few more books and I will fill out several runs completely.