Wed 28 Dec, 2005 02:26 am
There are some things you don't learn in school;
There are even more to learn on your way to it;
You got to learn the unwritten rule,
If you want to survive the walking bit;
Rule number one:
When a dog stares at you from behind its master's fence,
Brace for the bark 'less you want to do the shocking dance;
Rule number two:
When the dog won't quit barking like a scary dog,
Don't run if you don't want it to jump out and give you the knock.
Rule number three:
In the event that you failed to follow rule number two,
Or in any event when a dog is chasing you,
Try being at least a meter in front of it,
And don't stop running.
Such are the unwritten rules of arriving to school bite-free,
Though it's now scholarly and longishly written;
And I've never had the chance to try out rule number three,
But I think that's what I might've done.