cicerone imposter wrote:This world has had repressive regmines all during my 67 years of life on earth. I'm sure that's been true for most of human history. Why would a country like the US bother to topple one regime over another? Is it because of WMD's? That can't be true, because there are many countries in this world with WMD's. Is it because Saddam is such a tyrant, and kills his own people? There are plenty of bad regimes in this world today that is responsible for the death of their people, so that can't be the reason. What else is there about Iraq that separates them from the other bad regimes? Oil! Black gold. Energy. Whoever controls the oil supply in this world will be the future economic giant. c.i.
Well if you knew your history you'd better understand, first let me catch you up to par.
There are several non-related factors at work here.
First is Freemasonry, USA was founded by and upon Masonic morality, and while Masonry has long been fairly abscent from the political stage, this morality or "ideal" still permeates most of the USA's motives.
Second is the UN. Which is inheirantly anti-American, France in particular, which stands to lose 60 billion dollars in Iraqi oil rights that Saddam would give them, however we're removing him now so good ridance to that deal.
Another is the Euro, which I've heard Saddam was considering to be the standard to choose for Iraq, this sort of spread of the Euro block would push the dollar into an inflationary collapse, and unless you'd like to be eating out of garbage cans (because today people are not as nice as they were in the 30s), then you best shut up about getting rid of Saddam.
These 3 unrelated factors could have easily merged to form the situation we see today.
USA taking an oportunity to spare herself and her true allies (Britain and Israel no other), from economic disaster and war, while still spreading enlightenment and freedom to those without.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, the Iraqi people are free, the reasons aren't completely honorable, they aren't about oil either, but it's a good end.