Re: pardonable sin
djjd62 wrote:i read about death bed conversions and prison conversions and i think great, i can act like the biggest douche and if i manage to pull out the last minute acceptance of jesus as lord and saviour i'm cool
But yet, surely, somehow, there is a less-than-harmonious chord chiming within your being at such an idea?
From my own perspective, arrived at from both research and insight--considering Constantine as the true founder of what we presently refer to 'christianity'--I think he founded it with absolutely no relevant faith in it's usefulness on a private and inner level but was totally interested in the benefits to his own monstrous task of administering the huge Roman Empire...
IOW, I think he made it up and knew he made it up--and why. He fooled the world yet not himself.
YET, even so, he, himself, engaged in activities associated with 'death bed conversions.'
Was he thinking 'I better just cover all the bases, eliminate any surprises?'
Or was it more like he became a victim of his own crime, with an irony that makes even such a heinous act as global deception against souls (not people) seem almost poetically beautiful?
Quote:if hitler had not committed suicide and had undergone a jailhouse conversion he'd be in heaven now with people like mother teresa, i wonder
'Heaven' is a tree house club which is by invitation only.
I threw mine away.
Or else it is the sky--
I see no constellation named Mother Teresa or any new ones at all...
Quote:some sins seem unforgivable
Most 'sins' are determined by human morality--'sin' is actually a state of mind, rather than an act of transgressing laws that are now defunct. The state of mind, when resolved, eliminates the need for laws.
Quote:p.s. - something i've always wondered, god basically set judas up, he was the fall guy and had to do what he did to get the whole ball rolling (please don't mention free will it has no place in this discussion), did he go to heaven, your thoughts
Judas served an important and necessary purpose. He actually served God by doing what he did. Hitler most likely did, too. And whomever else is so quickly assigned to hell by the churchians.
Satan is not the evil in this world--his paycheck is signed by God, just as surely as all the other angels.
Man is the evil, and delusion is the tool. We cannot just say a few words, perform a few mindless rites prescribed by someone wearing an odd frock and collar and be 'converted.'
'The law of the LORD is perfect and converts the soul.'
True conversion is dependent upon the idea of 'transformation.' It is metamorphosis. Death bed conversions are the ultimate end to an illusion and serve no purpose except to negate any progress that might have been made in the lifetime which they usher out with their ambience of darkness and dirges.