Spray bottles neutralize holy water.
Everyone knows that.
Yeah, the "aaarrrggghhh" and stuff was all in your mind.
but not he hydrochloric acid that was eating your face away.
wasn't that much of a face to start with. I can live with that.
Deb, my spray bottle was blessed by Dys. That makes it...well...holymoseswhat the heck happenedtothatholywater?
80 proof holy water, yeppers I'm a saint.
It seems to be getting a bit warm in here. Does anyone have ice for the drinks?
I do. There are some melting glaciers...
but besides all that, I am have a refrigerator with fresh ice from our local good water...
Thanks, Osso. You are a life saver.
Also I have some music.... of course, it's in italian...
I am quite horrible at speaking italian but I love much about italy and its history, the beautiful, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the mix of all those, and the layers of all of it.
Anyway, Raphillon over on the language threads recommended some of his favorite singer songwriters, and I went to amazon and ordered some. The two I can't get out of my mind are Francesco de Gregori and Fabrizio de Andre.
From de Gregori, I like the cd Rimmel, and from de Andre - it's on now, "mi innamoravo di tutto."
Very good with a glass of ice and a bit of, in my case, bourbon. Helps me make packing decisions!
Er, these cd's are not holiday music... but enlarging in their way.
I'm a Christian and proud of it. That was mighty noble of ya CrazyDiamond.
Wanda, what does your fish smell like?
no worries, I will not condem you. I'm here to get along.
You might better condemn him.
Someone usually condemns him about this time every day.
I'll keep an eye out then.
Diane wrote:Deb, my spray bottle was blessed by Dys. That makes it...well...holymoseswhat the heck happenedtothatholywater?
Nah...that makes it full of the parrotclete instead of the paraclete.