Fri 9 Dec, 2005 03:15 pm
What was the first film to contain swearing?
"Gone With the Wind" as far as English language films -- Selznick used his clout to retain the "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn" line. Possibly some foreign film contains what could be swearing in another language but I don't know the film if it exists.
That was my best guess as well LW. Thanks
It may have been one of those silent films but due to lack of sound we never got to hear it.
I'm thinking there must be a foreign film before GWTW that contained swearing. After all, they were showing more-or-less explicit sex scenes overseas before we ever dared, being the sedate (a euphemism for ignorant) nation we are.
Are we speaking of theatrical films only? There might well have been short documentaries, not meant for general distribution, which contained so-called swear words in interviews with people for whom this was their customary vernacular. But, yeah, as has been said, GWTW is the first major studio movie I know of to contain a proscribed word.
I'd be more inclined to believe an Italian or French film contained swear words before a documentary but the research would eat up more time than I've got right now.