Oy Thai, that would be enough for me city girl to abandon the wilderness
in a hurry.
Then again, I live in the city, but high on a canyon, and we have coyotes,
skunks, bunnies, mice, plenty of rats, and this summer an abundance of rattle snakes. Luckily for me, I haven't seen a snake so far. I'd be hysterical to no end.
A mouse or rat in the house would be a good reason to move immediately. I
take great precautions to not get them into the house, since the lush landscaping around us is attracting them big time.
I really treasure the few hawks I've seen around, and an golden eagle
as well, and I love our little hummingbirds.
Here is one bird I captured. I thought it was a golden eagle, but I am not
so sure...