Red squirrels are really cute
from a distance! We had one move into a bird house in our backyard and the next thing we knew there were 6 baby red squirrels running around. It looked like our spruce tree was infested. We really enjoyed watching them grow up and then one day they just disappeared.
A more recent experience involved arriving at our trailer and hearing scrabbling noises. We'd been having problems with mice so that's what I was expecting until I had to face off with a p!ssed red squirrel telling me off in a very narrow trailer hallway. Aack! Turns out he thought he'd over winter in the linen cupboard. All the sheets were covered in discarded acorn hulls. He took off into the bathroom and disappeared. We filled in around all the pipes and drains with expanding foam caulking as that's where we figured he got in. We'll know in the spring if the trailer's been trashed that he got back in