Lobster (fresh out of the pot & cooked in seawater)
Reading or writing?
Sci fi or Mystery
Movie- Action or Romantic Comedy?
Romantic Comedy
Drive In or Cinema?
Dinner- harbour cruise or restaurant?
Harbour Cruise
Meat or Vegetarian meal?
Meat (at least 3 times a week)
coral trout or whiting (for dinner)
Whiting (best fish in Australia where I catch them)
Smoked or BBQ'd fish?
If I do the smoking then smoked. (I would have said whiting two years ago, but local coral trout up here... mmmmmm)
Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple
Lord Zeppelin
Raw oysters or Oysters Kilpatrick
(never tried coral trout only smoked trout from N/Z)
Oysters Kilpatrick
beach party or back yard BBQ
Back yard BBQ (had one tonight, fish & prawns)
Wood fire or coal fire?
Wood fire
Birthday Party or Surprise Party?
Birthday party
cake or ice cream
ice cream
balloons or streamers?
Writing or typing?
Letter or phone call
old-time Hollywood or modern Hollywood?
old-time Hollywood
Romantic or Action movies?