Neither! Am a veggie.
rural or urban?
long pants or frocks?
frocks - meaning dresses or skirts? I'll take a skirt, especially in nice weather.
Animal hunting with a weapon or a camera?
Take away or Restaurant meals?
(sorry for not being more explicit dev)
No prob. Is that what you meant, Dutch?
Restaurant when I can.
home cooking or restaurant?
Sea or Air travel?
Air, but I like sea as well.
You cook or someone else cooks for you?
girls or boys children
athletic or scholarly
painting or carpentering
painting, much better at painting, good assistant with carpentry
Do-it-yourself or have it done?
Do it yourself, gives much more satisfaction.
Hard boiled or soft eggs
hard boiled, soft are just icky to me.
More work, less play or less work, more play?
less work, more play, done my share of work.
cat as pet or dog as pet?
Love both, but would have to choose 'dog' (My parrot is scared of cats!)
Pure bred
leashed or unleashed
unleashed as long as they're mine and they're in the backyard.
Big or little?
Small (dogs that is)
Fishing or Hunting?
Neither - but if I had to choose - Fishing - so I can throw them back.
Crab or Lobster