Trump in, or Trump out,
No one cares what libruls think
He won despite you.
it's not my thread dude
passive-aggressives take note
make up your own stuff
It's my topic and
I'll cry if I want to but
instead write haiku
buffer the children
all from madmen kings and fools
become as children
buffer the children
the wifi was really slow
impound all iPads.
(Sorry Edgar... was just too inspired to not riff on your haiku

I'm trying to learn
This Haikus of Protest
Not too successful
But enjoying it fine
(sorry if miss-counted)
i break their homelands
i crush the brown and homeless
tall walls see my balls
Made me laugh
(Not the ‘crushing’ part, the ‘see my balls’ part)
I want a rock star
to be my next president
somebody real cute
raking up the woods
into the sultry ev'ning
miles to rake miles miles
A total douche bag
you know of whom Im talking
lets soon vote him out.
the answer my friend
is like a dog in the end
it licks any hand
If the subject matter is something besides a scene from nature, the poem is technically a senryu rather than a haiku.
I'll be senryu
In the familiar places
I'm a repeat scab
Protest all you want
Scream from the tallest building
No one will hear you
no one will hear you
said one of the listeners
just no one at all
Ladybug floats long
on thin leaf to new city,
“What did Edgar say?”
lies lies childish lies
from the right wing Democrats
and Republicans
Childish name calling
As ancient Japanese art.
Seems disrespectful