This Seed Must Grow...

Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 07:30 am
I feel that we are now witnessing the second crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the immoral people of the United States.

Our defense should be that Jesus Christ was a human, just as our great American patriots, whom we honor and celebrate their lives. These patriots are legally recognized and honor on government property and in our textbooks.

If Martin Luther King, Jr., the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, is honored as a great person, then what legally would prevent Jesus Christ, a human, to be like wise honored and his life celebrated.

Please take these thoughts and expand their meaning...
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,758 • Replies: 27
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 07:55 am
Re: This Seed Must Grow...
GeorgeCrofton wrote:

If Martin Luther King, Jr., the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, is honored as a great person, then what legally would prevent Jesus Christ, a human, to be like wise honored and his life celebrated.

Please take these thoughts and expand their meaning...

Uh, duh. It's called Christmas and Easter.
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 08:30 am
Bella Dea...
Bella Dea...

It is apparent by your rude reply, that you are not aware of current events... Are you not aware that the ACLU and other groups are repeated attempting to erase any reference to Christ from the American culture?

You are a very rude person...
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 08:45 am
You call that rude? You in in for quite a surprise by the honesty of this forum then. And yes, I am aware of the current events.

They cannot erase what you believe. But from your reply, you seem to think that Jesus resides in the stores rather than in your heart, since that's where they want him removed. They have not started laws to stop Christmas mass. They have petitioned to use more "pc" terms for public domains. What's wrong with making the stores use the term Happy Holiday's versus Merry Christmas? Does that effect your belief in any way or the way and reason for which you celebrate Christmas? You are like the people who don't want gays to marry because it will somehow effect your personal marriage. It's a ridiculous notion and the proof positive that you want to force your belief on someone else but won't allow anyone else to express their belief.
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Green Witch
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 08:55 am
I am literally a card carrying member of ACLU, I get all their literature. They have no anti-Jesus agenda. They do believe in the separation of church and state, as do I. I do not want to see Washington DC turned into the Vatican (or the current Evangelical Nest that it has become). Jesus is everywhere - churches are in every town of America. No one is nailing their doors shut.

If you really want to spread the word of Jesus, do what he said and just help people through good deeds filled with love and charity. Go hold the hands of the dying in AIDs wards, comfort crying babies born to drug addicted mothers, volunteer to tutor poor children in inner city schools, - the list is endless and your time will be better spent then worrying about someone trying to take down a creche in front of a munciple building.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 08:59 am

You go girl! (It's nice to see that not all ACLU people are nuts. :wink: )
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Green Witch
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 09:02 am
Who said I'm not "nuts"?
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 09:04 am
Green Witch wrote:
Who said I'm not "nuts"?

Well, in that "oh-my-god-you-freak-get-over-yourself" nuts was what I was referring to. We know you're crazy in every other way.

And by the way, it is nice to have a positive representative for them. There have been a lot of bad connotations with the ACLU so to have an actual positive member is nice.
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 09:12 am
Boy-o-boy you've just gotta love these holier than thou, ultra judgemental, people.

What's with that whole "judge not....."?

To say that Jesus is not celebrated in American culture is the nuttiest thing I've heard in.... forever.


Maybe the idea that Jesus is a true American patriot is the nuttiest.

Yeah. That is nuttier.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 09:25 am
"I feel that we are now witnessing the second crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the immoral people of the United States.".........

Well, maybe you should ask some of those immoral people to stop using the name of God to support what they are trying to do in Iraq, to ask another section of those immoral people to stop abusing their altar boys, and yet another section to stop TV preaching to the gullible in order to part them from their money, whilst sleeping with prostitutes when the cameras have stopped rolling.

The Bible belt of the USA is filled with some pretty weird and intense people, IMO.

It would be nice if they all did as GW suggests, and directed all of their energies towards doing some real, practical good, as opposed to wrapping themselves up in righteous twaddle, then seeing it as their life's purpose to ram this stuff down other people's throats.

Religeon has been the direct cause of more killings and conquerings in this world, than anything else.

It is the ultimate form of tribalism.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 09:49 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
"I feel that we are now witnessing the second crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the immoral people of the United States.".........

Well, maybe you should ask some of those immoral people to stop using the name of God to support what they are trying to do in Iraq, to ask another section of those immoral people to stop abusing their altar boys, and yet another section to stop TV preaching to the gullible in order to part them from their money, whilst sleeping with prostitutes when the cameras have stopped rolling.

The Bible belt of the USA is filled with some pretty weird and intense people, IMO.

It would be nice if they all did as GW suggests, and directed all of their energies towards doing some real, practical good, as opposed to wrapping themselves up in righteous twaddle, then seeing it as their life's purpose to ram this stuff down other people's throats.

Religeon has been the direct cause of more killings and conquerings in this world, than anything else.

It is the ultimate form of tribalism.

Right on!! http://www.discussanything.com/forums/images/smilies/stupid.gif
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:34 am
boomerang wrote:
Boy-o-boy you've just gotta love these holier than thou, ultra judgemental, people.

What's with that whole "judge not....."?

To say that Jesus is not celebrated in American culture is the nuttiest thing I've heard in.... forever.


Maybe the idea that Jesus is a true American patriot is the nuttiest.

Yeah. That is nuttier.

I once heard that Jesus had been reborn as a police officer in LA.

Boom, your avatar just winked and freaked me out. Are you possessed?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:39 am
I remember walking down to catch a train in the train station one day with my ex boyfriend and best friend... as I was walking down the steps an old eccentric looking woman started screaming at me and telling me I was going to hell for I had sinned... what she then told me what I was going to hell because you could see my stomach a little bit from under my shirt... When I was holding on to the railing (eww I know at a public place yuck) my shirt had raised slightly and showed my stomach

Ever since then I stopped listening to anyone preaching Jesus
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:42 am
I'm also a card carrying member of the ACLU, for the last 4 years, according to my card. I wasn't aware that we hated Christ. I must have missed those mailings.

Also, I think the difference between MLK and Christ should already be readily apparent. Many people alive today still remember seeing MLK in person or on TV when he was alive. Christ influences more Americans, for sure, but he was not an American himself.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:43 am
My avatar winked at you?

Maybe you're possesed!

(That is kind of freaky. It winks without much ryhme or reason.)
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real life
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 11:48 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
..........What's wrong with making the stores use the term Happy Holiday's versus Merry Christmas?............

Are you implying they should be forced to adopt "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" to insure that they are properly inclusive?

Shouldn't the owner of the store decide how he wants his customers greeted instead of being 'made' to do so?
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Bella Dea
Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2005 07:40 am
real life wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
..........What's wrong with making the stores use the term Happy Holiday's versus Merry Christmas?............

Are you implying they should be forced to adopt "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" to insure that they are properly inclusive?

Shouldn't the owner of the store decide how he wants his customers greeted instead of being 'made' to do so?

Yes. Because it's all inclusive of the holiday's this time of year. You want to say Merry Christmas, please feel free to do so. But in public areas, religion should not be a factor. Not to mention, any large corporate store is going to want to do it anyway because it includes more people and therefore, has the prospect of increase in sales. Small, personal businesses could be exempt from this but corporates, no. Should Jewish people be "made" to feel like their holiday is not important?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2005 07:53 am
hmmm, I think the store owner should choose how inclusive he/she wants to be. If Pat's gang wants to picket any shop that doesn't use "Merry Christmas" then that's their choice. I'm not for laws being passed that dictate PC for shop owners.

Lord Ellpus wrote:
....as opposed to wrapping themselves up in righteous twaddle, then seeing it as their life's purpose to ram this stuff down other people's throats.

"righteous twaddle"... I love it, mind if I borrow it, Lord?
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Bella Dea
Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2005 07:59 am
J_B wrote:
hmmm, I think the store owner should choose how inclusive he/she wants to be. If Pat's gang wants to picket any shop that doesn't use "Merry Christmas" then that's their choice. I'm not for laws being passed that dictate PC for shop owners.

Lord Ellpus wrote:
....as opposed to wrapping themselves up in righteous twaddle, then seeing it as their life's purpose to ram this stuff down other people's throats.

"righteous twaddle"... I love it, mind if I borrow it, Lord?

Personally, it doesn't matter to me. I, too, couldn't care less if Target has a nativity set up in front of the store or not, or if I am greeted with Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah. But the fact remains that this country always plays to the Christians and forgets that there are other faiths here and that there are other celebrations during that time of year other than Christmas.
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Reply Thu 1 Dec, 2005 09:19 am
BBB's challenge
I challenge anyone to beat my ACLU membership date. I became a card carrying member in 1968 when I felt threatened because I publically supported the Port Chicago Seven in opposition to the French colonial Viet Nam Civil War.

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