More on The FairTax Con Artists!
To understand the FairTax fraud being perpetrated by Neal Boortz, one must first understand the 16th Amendment did not create any new tax. The Amendment merely clarified a question about a constitutional provision requiring “apportioning” a tax calculated from income!
This happens to be an extremely important point and exposes why the sales pitch given by the FAIR TAX CON ARTISTS,
especially Neal Boortz, their ring leader,[/i] is just that----a con job plain and simple!
We are told by Boortz his plan will eliminate “income taxes” [taxes calculated from income] and the massive paper work and man hours wasted with such a tax. But this is a bold face lie made by Boortz for two reasons:
The tax Boortz mentions can only be “eliminated” by a constitutional amendment forbidding Congress to calculate a tax from
profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.
To this day, and to the best of my knowledge, there is no pending legislation on Capitol Hill promoted by the Fair Tax Con Artists which proposes:
The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.
Without such an amendment, the tax mentioned by Boortz is not eliminated as his book fraudulently portrays on its cover!
But let’s give Boortz the benefit of doubt and that it is his
intention, by the language of H.R. 25, to “eliminate taxes calculated from income“.
Sad to say even this turns out to be wishful thinking. If H.R. 25 was enacted into law tomorrow, and Congress followed its language to the letter, H.R. 25 makes no attempt by its language to prohibit Congress from laying an “excise tax” as upheld in
FLINT v. STONE TRACY CO., 220 U.S. 107 (1911)[/u], a case decided prior to the adoption of the 16th Amendment allowing a tax calculated from corporate profits, gains, and income!
The Fair Tax Con Artists having left this loophole, invites Congress, in order to be in compliance with H.R. 25, to simply erase the word “Revenue” from “Internal Revenue Code” and replace that word with “Excise“, as in “Internal Excise Code,” and likewise erase the word “Revenue” from “Internal Revenue Service” and replace it with “Excise“, as in “Internal Excise Service“, and go about its business inflicting the same time consuming and costly misery upon Corporations as now done under “income taxation“, but in addition, these corporations will also have to abide by and follow an additional rule book created by Boortz under H.R. 25, with all its new regulations for record keeping as stipulated in its language!
And if you think this would not quickly happen with Congress’ never ending appetite to increase its piece of the pie from the productivity of the people, you would have to also believe there would be an earth shattering outcry from the people of America if Congress decided to enact, in addition to the H.R. 25 tax, a small
“pay their fair share” excise tax upon corporations and other wealthy scoundrels who make millions of dollars a year in “profits”
and bleed the poor working people, as was alleged about Leona Helmsley, who just happened to pay more in taxes than the combined taxes paid by any 20 average working people in New York, and yet, she was sent to jail.
But wait! I thought Boortz was a defender of people being free to earn a profit. So why, tell me why on earth does he promote a plan which provides the tools to
Ted Socialist Kennedy, and his disciples in Congress, to continue to bleed the productive members in society, while giving a $ 400 per month bonus to un-wed moms to stay at home and make babies under his family consumption allowance?
Come on all you Boortz Fair Tax stooges, answer the question!
The only stinking tax reform we need is to demand our employees add the following words to our Constitution:
"The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay “any” tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.[/color]
It doesn’t tax 135 pages of bullstuff [H.R. 25] to accomplish real tax reform, it only takes the will of the people to rise up and demand their employees, their public servants, add the above words to their Constitution!