Fri 25 Nov, 2005 06:35 am
Hi please can someone do my homework for me and tell me a recent event happening at the moment connected with genetic engineering.
Like dolly the sheep, but happening now.
thank you.
Re: Genetic stuff
The Pentacle Queen wrote:Hi please can someone do my homework for me and tell me...
No can do. I make it a policy not to do the homework of anybody.
Oh great, so now i have to find a search engine, type in genetic stuff, trall through endless lists.........
maybe im lazy
You can't be that lazy or you would not have bothered to come to here and ask. Stop beating yourself up and allow the thrill of discovery to embrace you and in turn you will embrace discovery.
I was cloned just yesterday. Some dude named Merry Andrew. . .
Henry the warthog.
Sammy the hamster.
Yeah-but it's about abnormalities isn't it?There are infinite possibilities of those but only one normality.
spendius- I think that what that company is doing is just in its infancy. The drugs that they are testing for, and the genetic markers that they are looking at, are limited. Ultimately, through DNA, doctors will know which drugs will work on a person, and which won't.
A few months ago, I had a sore throat with swollen glands and fever, that just would not let up. I had to go through three different antibiotics, prescribed by doctors, before I found one that worked. It took many weeks of misery. Wouldn't it have been wonderful if the doctors had known, through my DNA, what would be the most effective for me?
How do you know whether your symptoms weren't useful to you.
I would suspect that most of the genetic engineering research is under the table. If there are laws restricting certain practises; they just do it in another country.
Scary stuff, it is.
Wow!Scary!Science is scary.Is that what you're saying?Truth is scary?
Those scientifics in the Evolution arguments have no fear of anything.
flushd- If people gave into "scary", the world would not have progressed to the point technologically that it is today.
If Ford gave into "scary", we might still be travelling by horse and buggy.
If Sabin gave into "scary", polio would still be the scourge that it was when I was a kid.
If Bill Gates gave into "scary" we might still be writing letters on typewriters.
It is those people who "push the envelope", who are not afraid to walk into uncharted waters, that has enabled the earth to progress. Without innovators who are unafraid, we might still be living as primitive people.
I admire ingenuity and creative risk-taking.
What is frightening is 'scientific progress' without regard for the concequences. Ruthless pursuit of progress. Progress in the name of science which is without humane consideration. Just because something can be done; doesn't mean it should be done. Sometimes technology is not the most important thing at the moment. Sometimes it does not serve humanity: but the vested interests of a few. I certainly do not believe further technological progress is the answer to all life's 'problems'.
I do understand what you are saying, Phoenix.
However, I think it would sane to find certain areas of 'science' scary. It isn't cowardly or wishing to regress to primitive times. It is simply looking about and having a human response. Science is advancing at a pace that is incredible. Are we able to adapt to it so quickly in a healthy way?
P.S. I'm sorry if I am derailing this thread.
wow. thank you phoenix, that was perfect!!!
he he he.