It seems to me that you will go to any lengths to try to avoid talking about your ridiculous lifestyles which requires that an average American needs (addictions= needs) a barrel of oil every fortnight.
When the Chinese catch up,which they are self evidently aiming to do, they will need 80 million barrels a day.They use 7 million a day now.
Quote:Amy Myers Jaffe, an energy expert at Rice University's Baker Institute, said people in Shanghai and China's other major metropolitan areas are starting to live just like Americans do. Suburbs are popping up, and there are comfy sedans parked in those garages.
Houston Chronicle
European oil consumption in 2001 was 15 million barrels a day.
A further difficulty is that thinly populated states are much more vulnerable to price kicks and they have a senate majority.
Not that it matters.At this rate of carbon dioxide production it will be land that goes through the roof.
It's a **** the grandkids job really.The lovely little darlings.Serves 'em right for having such greedy assholes for mums and dads.(I gather the budget deficit has plussed up 5 trillion since 1996 which is another little present for them.)