au1929 wrote:Lord Ellpus
The point was in the question I asked you. The Christians keep talking about the Christian God as if he is a unique to them only. When it is the God of Abraham and is worshipped by three major religions they are referring to.
As the title question is in the singular (otherwise it would read "Are Gods an accident), and as this is mainly an American forum, where the vast majority are either Christians, or their offspring who have seen through that particular strain of nonsense, I aimed my response accordingly.
You will note that I did NOT say that the Christian God was invented by Christians. I made it quite clear that it was intelligently designed by the ORIGINAL authors of the Bible.
Who they were, I cannot tell you, as I do not have the past brainwashing, nor the present inclination, to research the matter in any depth.
You are splitting hairs, methinks. Maybe you should take it up with the author of the topic, as to why the question was posed in the singular, rather than acknowledging the many hundreds of (who were all relevant and equally powerful in their day, I suppose) GodS.