My friend picked it for me they said because i am a mistery so i chose it but i really like it because it's true i am really a mystery hehe and i have mystyrious thoughts
........and use mysterious spellings!
I picked my name out of thin air, although many people who know me are always saying I'm a crazy bastard.
It has nothing to do with my sexuality, I am neither a homosexual nor a bisexual, merely a sexual deviant into a lot of freaky ****. :wink:
I don't even know how to make a signature line, but if someone will tell me I'm sure I can think of something interesting.
Bi-Polar, you can add the signature line in your profile. You just type in 'something interesting' - and there it is :-)
Bo is quite easy to spell, and it does eliminate the confusion when trying to get the wo before the go.
Bi, I often wondered where that moniker came from.
Bo, there has to be a lot of "woe" before I go!
Hi All,
My username is my name, is confusing enough!!
I love to laugh, so the links in my sig are examples of things I like to laugh at.
Jerry, just listened to the Canada song. If we can't laugh at ourselves, then we can't laugh at America.
Hi Letty,
Definately agree that you have to be able to laugh at yourself, before you can laugh at anyone else....
After that it's all fair game, so long as it's not done with mean-spirits!