Dek wrote:Midnight, you're going to have to translate that, I stuck it in babblefish but I think it looses something
Montana/Rae, me 3!
Después reflexioné que todas las cosas le suceden a uno precisamente, precisamente ahora. Siglos de siglos y sólo en el presente ocurren los hechos; innumerables hombres en el aire, en la tierra y el mar, y todo lo que realmente pasa me pasa a mí
Hmm. . . . I'm not a great translator but I'll give it a try. . . . its something along the lines of "after pondering (time I realised) that all things happen at precisely, precisely now. centurys apon centurys and it is now that things happen; innumerable men (have been) by air, land and sea and every thing that happens now happens to me.