I'm nice to others which tends to make others nice to me.
midnight blue is my favorite color and I really like dark nights . . . . . my quote I ran across while reading for my spanish class. . . . . I like the idea of just being in the present. . . . that the past is past and the future is not. . . but now is definitely now
Me, too, Montana. Plus, I find it easier to be nice. Even to people who aren't nice.
well being from Nebraska and being a retired football player and fan and having the Red HUSKERblood running through my veins...
having umteen emails called husker - LOL - just seemed the thing to do "GO BIG RED"
Fer my signature - well about 1982 i coined "Dare to make a Difference" kind of a part of who I am.
Midnight, you're going to have to translate that, I stuck it in babblefish but I think it looses something
Montana/Rae, me 3!
I love being nice to mean people because it really makes them take a good look at themselves ;-)
Because of my job, I've had plenty of opportunity to test this theory. More desk clerks should learn it.....it can diffuse a situation very quickly.
Usually, I have guests apologising to me by the end of the 'argument'.
I use different noms de net in different places. When I needed a user name for A2K, I thought what next?
Same here. Guilt is a very powerful thing and being nice is a possitive tool for sure.
Good to see you around again, nextone!
Just wasn't feeling creative that day. Anyway, it gives a certain continuity to my old Abuzz handle - akaRoger.
My screen name is the aboriginal (Native American) place name of a town near where I was born, It means at the falls under the hill. As I'm an archaeologist and have excavated in the area and research a bit of its history and liked the name I use it.
Ted Williams was my boyhood hero.
An archaeologist?! Way cool!
Love your signature line, Acquiunk. He was talking about the dinner plate, wasn't he?
It's enjoyable learning what's in a name. Now I'll have to think about an avatar and a signature. Have always liked Roseann Roseannadanna's, If it' not one thing, it's another." Can't commit as of now. " I'll think about it tomorrow. Tomorrow's another day."
Well roger, I don't think he was, but I probably am.
Mine is a hold-over from Abuzz, where it was often a good idea to carry a sharp weapon at all times. Not so important on A2K, but old habits die hard, I guess. And my sig, of course, explains the avatar, because I want everyone to know about George Catlin!