Terry wrote:I don't know where the universe came from. No one does, although there are some interesting theories. But claiming that it was magically poofed into existence by a supernatural force, without explaining the origins and intentions of that supernatural force, does not get us anywhere.
I didn't claim that this happened. I just don't rule it out.
Quote:Ascribing everything we do not yet understand to a God who pre-existed the universe, has magical powers and can do anything - even if it violates known physical laws - is simply an excuse to stop thinking about the natural processes that may have caused the big bang and abiogenesis. Such faith is a cop-out for those who are unwilling or unable to learn enough about science to understand the work that has already been done on the hard problems, and the very real possibility that we may someday find scientific explanations for everything. Or not.
I'm sure that every person that believes in God sat down one day and decided that science was just too difficult and they'd just believe in God instead.

What about atheists that don't study science? Are they cop-outs too?? Should everybody be forced to study science? Not everybody is interested in science, ya know??
Quote:You can have a more rational faith while still accepting scientific discoveries, but what is the point
The point is that we still don't know and also some people have seen things or had experiences of a spiritual nature that cannot be explained by science.
Quote:So where do you suppose this God/supernatural force came from, and where did it get the intelligence or desire to make a universe?
Just like you, I have no idea. This is beyond human intelligence.