First of all, let me make it clear that I am not mocking Jesus and I don't think anyone else here is either.
Maybe we're mocking some artist's depiction of Jesus' shoes. Perhaps we're mocking Alabama roadside attractions. Perhaps we're mocking the kind of people who see Jesus' face in their breakfast pancake and sell it on eBay.
And shouldn't we ask "how'd he do that?"?
I'm sorry if anyone finds my headline offensive because I did not mean to offend.
I intended to make a point that Jesus might be sick at a lot of the stuff going on in his name.
I really started thinking about the quote after my neighbor had been over visiting. She is a Christian. She told me about some show she had seen on TV where they take the moms from different families and place them with other families for a couple of weeks.
One woman was a hippy-dippy new age hypnotherapist and the other was a born again Christian. Neighbor was appalled at the "Christian" woman's behavior, her condemnation of her host family, her judgemental attitude. The hippy woman was a lot more christian than the Christian, said my neighbor.
And this got me thinking: what does Jesus expect from us? If He saw such intolerance would it make him sick? If He sat down with some of the more popular God-pundits would He ever be able to get back up again? Wouldn't, at the very least, the fact that these people say they are speaking for Him give him a migrane?
Quote:Jesus' said for us to Love one another. and if one another, was really saying don't just show it to other Christians he meant Love your enemy and If anyone asks you for anything, give it to them. If anyone steals anything from you, do not ask for it back. If anyone harms you, turn the other cheek. (Don't do bad for good or revege) If you really love someone, you not loved them in spite of their bad parts, you love them in spite of the bad crap. You love them for who they are, faults and all. We all have faults, problems and weaknesses.
I think this is a beautful example of how to live and I know many Christians who, like my neighbor, do live this way.
And I know many more that do not.
And that is why I'm asking - how does Jesus want you to live and is this how you're living?