Momma and Goodfielder,
This is much more than politics. These are real people...
My friend Paula is a single mother with two kids. She came to the US after a messy divorce. She felt this was the only way to provide any type of future for her children. She speaks English well , works hard and pays taxes. She is a very involved parent, and is active (and giving) in the school community.
Her kids have been here since they were very young. They are typical American kids. They speak Spanish with an accent (and perfectly American English), they play baseball. Massachusetts is the only home they know.
So what do we say to Paula and her kids?
The Christian right is saying "We don't care".
They focus on an "illegal act" and ignore the fact that Paula is working hard (cleaning houses) to bring up a family, This is typical from so-called Christians (I don't know if the poster puts herself in this category).
Questioner wrote:
But why should we coddle these criminals? That's what they are. If you think different you're kidding yourself. We don't see rights groups tripping over themselves to stand in line to demand amnesty for muggers, or burglars. Why then should immigrants get anything different?
Listen to the immigration debate. The Christian right wants to uproot Paula and her family from a life and a community that they have become a part of and contributed to. They want to take her children from the only life they have known. They want to put a single mother back into to certain poverty.
Does a single mother and two great children deserve to be treated like "muggers or burglars" because of the crime of crossing a border? Shouldn't there be room for compassion?
I honestly don't know any muggers or burglars-- but I do know three great people who live decent lives and contribute to my community. Their life would be greatly disrupted if the Christians have their way.
If we could treat them with compassion it would make our country a better place.
If you truly want to follow Christ, defending the poor and vulnerable (even the lawbreakers) is the best way to start. But don't trick yourself thinking that this is "just politics".
There are real, decent people that are being singled out for the harshest of treatment.
A little compassion-- the kind taught by Christ-- would be nice.