Yanno, this might be an attempt by ole Pat to get into meteorology or any other form of prognostication. I mean, he's such a careful scientist and all, and he understands so much about cause and effect, that it's a wonder that the local news hasn't picked up his contract and had him do the weather forecasts. 'Course he doesn't have the exact dates down, but lots of meteorologists don't. Consider the following:
- Reject ID? An earthquake for sure. Some day.
- Support Venezuela? Certainty of a hurricane. Eventually.
- Homosexuality somewhere in your state? That's a guaranteed tornado, one of these days.
- Your state didn't go Republican for the past 16 elections? Expect flooding, within the next several decades.
- Want alternative energy? Fires in your town, absolutely, some time during the century.
This forecastin' is easy. I'm gonna go out and buy me a buncha lottery tickets! I'm as good as rich!