Reminds me of the wild party five couples had when they went to a vacation cabin, got terribly drunk, and the blindfolded the women, who had to guess whose husbands willy they were holding simply by the feel . . .
One of the husbands was telling the milkman about it all, and the milkman said he wished he could have been there . . .
Well, you should have been, your name cam up constantly . . .
In deepest winter, if you happen onto the wrong New York City subway car very early in the morning, you will be struck by the stench of the overnight encampment of three or four of America's homeless sleeping together. Wrapped in filthy blankets, deeply sleeping the sleep of the exhausted and frozen, surrounded by sometimes as many as twenty large black plastic bags of undetermined possessions, the homeless snore loudly as the train rattles into the tunnel. The smell of the humanity is overwhelming, the deepest part of your brain sends out warnings that it is picking up very old danger sensory signals, you wait at the door for the next station arrival so you can move to the next car, but your brain is remembering... .
It is remembering what humans smelled like 100,000 years ago, while sleeping together in the freezing caves, in deepest winter.
Joe(It is America's shame)Nation
Dutch Girl !!! wrote:Quote:The Dutch and Germans, who knows what they do. Just
try not to take any public transportations there.
Dutch Don't Smell !
Then how do you find good restaurants?
by sniffing out americans and then avoiding the places they go to.....?
Oh Joe Nation, when I was in NYC in December and had to
ride the over crowded subway in mid morning, the stench
was still there.
dag, you don't have to sniff out Americans, you can spot
them from a mile away.
DrewDad wrote:
Dutch Don't Smell !
Then how do you find good restaurants?
It all goes by the smell of the toilets/bathrooms there!

What are you doing up so early?
Mrs. Walter would like that I drive her (and the suitcases) to the bus: she's starting to her trip to Cornwall shortly ...
that is LOVE.
Mrs Walter is a very nice lady, she served The Dys a very nice cuppa tea and smelled quite nice as well. She even consented to being seen with The Dys having dinner in a public eatery in her home town. I'm hopping she hasn't had many repercussions from that event.
Well dys, she's moving to Cornwall, is that enough repercussion for you?
She makes a sightseeing tour ... and she's disappointed that she's can't make it up to get served by dys in May. (And of course her reputation grew since dys' last year's stay!)
Walter will arrive at the home of the Dys in May, Dys will show walter where the coffee pot is and expect walter to serve his own cup of coffee after brewing said pot and serving The Dys who will be waiting on the patio with his morning smoke watching the sunrise.
are you kidding me!!!!!
What are you are talking about!!!!!!!!!?????? Shock horror yes we Brits have showers and baths in our homes.........oh and gees yes use them on a daily basis!! And as much as I like to call myself British and not European I can also say with confidence that many of my fellow european neighbours also have showers and use them. Of course there are exceptions (mentioning no names) I agree but on the whole we all smell nice!!!.......if fact perfume and aftershave is used this side of the atlantic from time to time!!!
Hahaha! I know this is an old thread but I just can't help myself. I have to reply to this nonsense. :wink:
I am from Denmark and we use our baths every day as well. A lot of people even use them more than once per day. I have no idea where you guys get your info from but if you ask me the problem here is the damn perfume. Hehe
Perfume is a good thing of course but a lot of people exaggerate and then it just gets annoying.
You guys probably think we're all vikings in Denmark as well then? :wink:
I've heard that French people smell bad but people from India, OMG they stink... Drivers who have arrived at my place tell us they don't shower for up to six months. Not even my stinky smelly bean fart can cover their scent.
CalamityJane wrote:
You know, in Sweden and Finland they just go into the
Sauna and sweat it all out. Afterwards they roll in the snow
and feel very refreshed.
You know, somebody's that crazy, I'm not taking a chance on insulting them.