This one involves Slikkk's selling prison blood on the international market while governor of Arkkkansas. I'd figured there would have been some sort of a trillion dollar lawsuit from Canadians within two months of Slikkk's leaving office (several thousand Canadians died on account of it) but that got squashed somehow or other by Canadian pinkos. Nonetheless other victims seem to be turning out to be less squashable.
From Slikkk's perspective there's good news, and bad news.
The good news (for Slikkk) is that, judging from recent photos at least, he is probably going to die before he could go to prison for this **** (the cumulative effects of all the drugs and perverted sex).
The (probably) bad news (again for Slikkk) is that he will thereupon discover the answer to the big existential question of his life, i.e. what happens to psychopaths when they die.
The question as to what happens to a political party which puts a psychopath into the whitehouse and then goes to the wall to keep him there after the damage is writ large is not yet settled.
The Daily Record (UK)
31 October 2005
FORMER US President Bill Clinton may be forced to appear in court over a medical scandal which claimed the lives of innocent Scots.
Many haemophiliacs were infected with hepatitis C after tainted blood from American prisoners was imported into the UK.
Glasgow firm Thomsons are representing the families of Scots sufferers who died after contracting the disease.
They allege inmates in an Arkansas jail were paid to donate blood despite the authorities knowing they had AIDS and hepatitis.
They are threatening to call the ex-president, who was state governor at the time, to the witness stand.
The infected bloodwasused to make clotting agents for haemophiliacs who require regular blood transfusions Frank Maguire, of Thomsons, said "These allegations are extremely serious and I am now more sure than ever that there should be a full public inquiry into why so many Scots contracted hepatitis C from infected blood products.
"The relatives of my clients who have died want an inquiry to know how their loved ones came to be infected with such a deadly disease, to expose the full facts surrounding their death and bring to light any negligent or discreditable conduct.
"An inquiry would also help to reassure the public that this sort of thing could not happen again.
"If former President Clinton has some information about how this happened in a jail in Arkansas while he was state governor then I'd hope he'd want to give evidence to an inquiry."
The law firm has already taken court action against the Lord Advocate, Colin Boyd, and Health Minister Andy Kerr.
They are calling for a review of their decision not to hold a judicial inquiry into the spate of deaths
A google search on "clinton tainted blood" turns up over three million hits:
Including hits on leftwing websites as well as rightwing, e.g.:
That's Nobody's making this stuff up.