I'm sure we'll never lack for designated drunks . . .
What we need now are good ideas to touch of the Pagan aspect of the whole affair. What would my ancestors have done? (Apart from dancin' nekkid broads, that is.)
Mr B and I sold the '74 CJ-5 just last year. She was a beaut. Still had a CB radio and everything. She got to live in the garage, an honor usually only bestowed to stray cats and roaming racoons.
It broke our hearts to see her go. It was for a good cause and she was happy to go knowing how she helped.
I like to dance nekkid so I'll be happy to come.
I've got some Turtle Wax so we can shine her up real nice.
I've got a few extra hubcaps so we can have a jamboree. Anybody got a banjo? Fiddle?
Hubcaps and Turtle Wax . . . that's the spirit . . . we should probably sing some kinda pagan nonsense as we wax her . . . good lookin' out, Boom . . .
I've been thinking about a musical tribute and I've just about settled on singing "Radar Love".
That one part seems fitting:
The radio's playing some forgotten song
Brenda Lee's "Coming on Strong"
The road's got me hypnotized
And I'm speeding into a new sunrise
I'll keep thinking about it but "Radar Love" is such a lovely song.
Genius, Boom, you're hot tonight . . .
One more radar lover gone ! ! !
That 'un always makes me cry.
I'm glad you like that because the only other song I do is a cool rap version of "Gypsys, Tramps and Theives" and that didn't seem to fit at all.
"Radar Love" is way better for nekkid car funerals.
I hope Bessie is around for many more years. I love well worn cars. New cars have such a stink about them.
You guys always bring a chuckle to me.......thanks
I'm hoisting this one (A Bud) for Bessie!
Thanks, Rodeman, i'll make sure Bessie knows of your regard . . . she's resting right now . . .
frankly Set I don't give a ratsass about your bessie.
That's cool . . . you gonna show up an git drunk?
How many rats' asses does Dys actually HAVE???!!!!
You Murricans are way scary....
Just strip and dance, Wabbit, keep the editorial comment to yourself . . .
Jist found out about this. Seems to me y'all are being kind of premature about planning these worthwhile pagan fastivities. I mean, heck, she ain't even got 3,000 miles on her yet. Ought'a be good for 'nuther 10 years anyways. But if I'm still around at that distant time, why, I'll sure volunteer to he'p out any way I can. In memory my late dad's old '71 Wagoneer.
You can't bury an ol'banger without some religious input.
Here's an appropriate hymn for the occasion,,
"..swift shall my passing be
Set weeping over me
Nearer to junk i'll be
Ne-ear-er i'll be",
I mean really Set, it's not like a your bessie is a Willys or someting of import. Now my old '48 Willys something something to behold.
Lmur, a fine hymn . . . see if you can bring along some nekkid female dances, 'K?
Well. she can dance a Cajun rhythm,
Jump like a willys in four-wheel drive,
She's a summer love for spring, fall and winter.
She can make happy any man alive . . .
Lmur, haven't seen you here before, welcome.. fine hymn indeed.
48 willies, no kidding?
Nods to Bessie, don't worry, honey..
Eorl wrote:I play bagpipes...!
That's great, but do you know any nekkid women dancers?