Did I do it right?
The Vesuvius spit fire
and the stadium claimed for blood:
Pax Romana, bread and circus.
Now we gather near this fire
In the winter of desire,
While we try to warm our souls.
Caesar's set the country in fire;
See the rivers red in blood.
Wow, fbaezer.
In terms of this form (which I'm quickly becoming addicted to), the first two lines are supposed to be exactly the same as the last two lines, and the first line should be repeated again as the fourth line.
Ok, I think I understood. Here it comes, corrected.
The Vesuvius spit fire
and the stadium claimed for blood:
Bread and circus, life so dire
The Vesuvius spit fire
And the crowds grew in desire,
For another local goal.
The Vesuvius spit fire
and the stadium claimed for blood.
Blind seekers of spring
Can't find the daffodils.
How can they sing?
Blind seekers of spring,
They hopelessly cling
To the easiest thrills.
Blind seekers of spring
Can't find the daffodils.
Oh, I like! And that one is perfect, structurally.
Here's another format, should we play with it here or start another thread? Could be loads of fun, esp with usernames.....
clerihew (KLER-uh-hyoo) noun
A humorous, pseudo-biographical verse of four lines of uneven
length, with the rhyming scheme AABB, and the first line containing
the name of the subject.
[After writer Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875-1956), who originated it.]
Here is one of the first clerihews he wrote (apparently while feeling bored in a science class):
Sir Humphrey Davy
Abominated gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.
(I wrote a mean sonnet years ago about a bastard of a prof. while he droned on and on about something or other. spent hours on it. would that I still had it...)
hahaha, I bet it'd be funny to read now!
Ooh, new clerihew thread, please - or I can just split this one for ya, whatever works. This is cool stuff!
Wow, you guys are so wonderful and briming with talent and creativity.
No, we just lost the will to create in the absence of our wonderful, vivacious hostess.
How ya doin'?
gee thanks!
I'm ok. Lost the broadband last week and haven't gotten myself set up with the new DSL package quite yet. I miss a2k!
Hmmmm.... it's funny, even after more than 4000 missed posts, things seem to be much the same here. I expected to have lost many of my old favorite threads. Guess they're not just my favorites. I should be back online at home within 2 days..... I'll start a clerihew thread then.
No rush (knowing that the dialup isn't any hurry either). We'll be here.