Fascinating! I thought Abuzz was pretty much deadsville and haven't checked in for quite a while. It's interesting that so many are devoted to it. It was fun while it lasted, but I don't miss it in the least. I do miss some really good people there who haven't (as far as I can figure out!) moved over to A2K. The king is dead; long live the king? Something like that. My loyalties are with those who have, apparently selflessly, developed and are administering really interesting forums like A2K -- well thought through, with lots of good people and good will.
If you click on
www.whois.com and type in abuzz.com, you can see
the expiration date for the domain registration: August
12, 2003.
That odd noise you're hearing is Abuzz' death rattle.
Rest in pieces.
PDiddie--does that mean it must end on that date, or only that the domain has to be renewed by then?
It doesn't have the feel of being cared for by anyone who'd give a damn.
So much good stuff stored in there.
I wonder if 12th August IS it?
What happens when a domain becomes unregistered?
Does it get disappeared instantly? Does it linger like a ghost? What does that mean in practice?
Well, 99% of the time, if it has any value, it turns into a porn site and then the owner will have to sue to get it back.
That's the renewal date for the domain registry, D'art. If NYT is tired of the whole thing, they may simply not spend the effort or pittance to renew, more or less consigning the website to 404 Land, gone from the Web apart from what Google may have cached. Of course, they could always renew it, or even sell it off.
While the patient is far from hale and hearty, its a bit premature for an obituary ... the plug hasn't been pulled yet.
I still look in once in a while, and try to follow a favorite member or two, but with all the irritating clutter, its hardly worth the effort. I don't think I've posted there in months.
I've been scratching my head for some time now over the question of why the NY Times continues to lend its name to Abuzz. It's like owning a huge billboard with your logo at the top, and then letting anyone paint whatever they want on it. Really nasty stuff a lot of the time.
I remember those who seemed to be in touch with some kind of administration in Abuzz saying that the NYTimes no longer wanted to spend any effort on Abuzz and that it was kind of orphaned. Those who are still devout Abuzzers may know more?
i hope you are wrong. i do get more error messages on abuzz. but i really like the place. it is user firendlly and i am used to the way it runs. in a few months i may say the same about this place.
some say it could be renewed. there are no ad banners and NO monitors.
that is the downside of abuzz...no monitors.

too much spam.
and i think one person is doing all the spam.
you can duplicate identities. that is anoter down side.
how do you do that? save the quote in white like that?
yes i will need to give it a chance.
while abuzz is around i will hang out there and slowly work my way to feeling comfortable with a2k.
Gingy, I do it by clicking the quote box in the upper right corner of the message box. The quoted material, with code is placed in the reply box for you, with the name of the person being quoted. Since Phoenix's quote doesn't include your name, I suppose she copied the material into the box and either typed in the BB Code, or highlighted the material and clicked the quote box in the reply box.
You can also do it in the "Quick Reply" box, but that takes more knowledge, so I don't bother with it.
gingy, the preview button right below where you would enter a reply gives you dozens of options for emphasizing your post.
There are excellent tutorials in the Forum Help area.
And just ask whenever you need help. :wink:
I peeked into Abuzz, and this is what I found. Top Interactions had zero activity. On the other Top Interactions, it had 20, 10, 6, 48, and 11 posts. The Top Abuzzers have low numbers of posts. Doesn't look too good. c.i.
I found a good post over there last night, though, and posted a link in msolga's "Cat Room" discussion.
thanx i will have to go to the test forum tomorrow or sunday and try it.
The Abuzz domain name is now registered through 2012. So there's no need to worry about that.