Thu 27 Oct, 2005 10:28 pm
I have a new trick for getting in when a2k seems to be in downtime. Whether it would work all the time, or this is a fluke, I dunno.
But.... I'm not sure if somehow my getting in adds to the load in some unfortunate way, or what...
so, I click on my desktop icon for New Posts - Nada.
but, if I go to my deleted updates, I get in.
I can't test present updates since there aren't any, all is quiet re action.
1) Is it neutral that I keep posting?
2) adds to stress on load?
3) beneficial in some way I can't fathom? (unlikely)
or 4) I am imagining downtime and my computer is challenged.
Edit - I guess I have a secret tunnel in since no one else is posting. Er, creep city...
If we all catch on and do this, is it a stress on the system?
or, perhaps it is somehow a function of an old imac and old outlook express?
I will try hard not to answer every single question, for a moment in time.
Edit again, some time later.
No. 4 is out, as no one else is posting for quite a bit now.
In the meantime, I need to go let my dog out and then go read a book.
Hasta manana.
There were some nasty DNS issues that were just now (i.e. 10 seconds ago) resolved, due to the propagating nature of DNS it hit some more than others. No tricks would have helped too much (even mapping the domain to the right IP would have caused problems due to absolute paths).
Using old links to updates likely just brought up cached copies of those pages.
Anywho, the DNS issue is resolved.
yes, my a2k was gone for many hours. i nearly died! well, actually, i did get quite a bit of my own work done, so it was actually highly beneficial. glad I looked up DNS just then.
I was confusing it with denial of service attack and was just about to mutter about the psychology of vandals and visigoths and such.
I think it might have been somewhat non sequiturish.
Craven de Kere wrote:Anywho, the DNS issue is resolved.
Okay, I was just about to ask why the site was down on Thursday.
Question answered.
It's amazing how much you can miss something when you don't have it.
Wow, I was not able to log on since before midnight Thursday. I hope it does not happen again.
You should have posted in every forum, Osso, so that you were the last poster in each.
I was getting rid of files yesterday, and I thought I deleted the A2K link.*giggles*
When it first happened I was in shock then I entered the info again and kept getting error messages telling me that the site did not exist. Finally I decided to give it a rest and I figured that maybe, just maybe, the system may have been in a cleansing process (I know very little about web-management...does it show?) With that I shut the computer off and watched the blank screen until dawn.
Then this morning I awoke a little late, turned the computer on and once more gained access. Relief!
It was all a ploy to instill withdrawal symptons.
nah, i heard the hamsters union had a sit-in...
I thought an unhappy member had blasted A2K from the internet.
This is all I would get every time I tried to log on:
Page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Please try the following:
If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
Click the Back button to try another link.
Problem: Host not found
Intrepid wrote:It was all a ploy to instill withdrawal symptons.
NOW would be an excellent time for a subscription drive.