How geeky is the kid? A Pre-Install environment CD should be able to at least let him access and copy the files from the faulty drive, as long as the drive physically runs OK, is recognized by (even if not read/write accessible to) the machine, and simpy has what amounts to a data error. A Pre-install Environment CD essentially amounts to a stripped-down version of Windows which runs not from the machine's hard drive but directly from the CD itself, leaving the machine's files and folders untouched by the machine's operating system - very handy for data recovery or for heavy-duty yuckware cleaning.
Info on how to assemble a powerful, flexible Pre-install Environment CD may be found
HERE. I use that one, BartPE, myself, modifying its add-ons to suit any of a number of setup, recovery, and analysis jobs. If a volume, file or folder exists on the subject machine, odds are BartPE will let you get at it, view it, manipulate it, and copy, move or delete it.
If the problem is mechanical, recovery still is possible, though pricey enough to be unlikely to be practical.