dlowan wrote:That's cos there ain't hardly no precautions!
Cepting don't live with your birds.
That and closing borders, which won't work cos people will already have got in with the thing.
Oh, and not going out and such, only, again, people spreading it will be asymptomatic.
Basically, ain't no use worrying, Msolga.
If you die, you die.
They are testing a vaccine in Adelaide and Melbs (there's another thread with info) but it will take a while to produce....think months.
There is already resistance to the thing against anti viral drugs we have.
It's a bit of a race between vaccine and mutation.
BTW, we are sending help and drugs to Indonesia.
Yes, I've heard about how we're supplying drugs to Indonesia, Deb. Also read about the new vaccine being developed here. Not much detail available on that yet, apart from they're working on it.
My last post was written after reading the article hamburger sent. It was an interesting read. Amongst other things, it suggested that folk ought to be being educated, informed about common sense precautions like washing your hands, etc. That now was the time to be doing those things, not later when were in the midst of a crisis. Our government has said very little about such things, as of yet. Some sort of plan of action of sorts might not be a bad thing. If we can prepare for a terrorist attack then surely we can prepare for bird flu, too!
Yep, I know that closing borders will achieve very little. But I reckon panicked people are going to demand it, anyway. Keeping out people & animals from affected countries. (Probably meaning from Asia, Africa, other under-developed countries. The very countries that won't be able to afford the vaccine unless the world community assists.)
Try as I may, Deb, I can't be too relaxed & comfortable about dying. I'm not panicking but I'm not in what-ever will be, will be mode, either! :wink:
I wish that the state authorities here in Victoria hadn't closed our only infectious diseases hospital a few years back, despite public protest. It might have come in handy!