The Flood has really taiken place!

Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 11:38 pm
Two peels mussels and oysters. Has been also found two peels mussels and oysters, which indicate on their closing, that they have been buried as alive. For in generally, when these animals die, slacken immediately one of their muscles, which hold their both peels as closed, when also sand and clay can penetrate into their inside.

However, when these fossils generally are found, they are met almost always peel tightly closed and between the peels there is not sand or clay. When those peels are tightly closed, it indicates to us, that these animals have been buried, when they were still alive.

Mammoths. Among other animals there have been made also large mammoth discoveries, and it has estimated, that those would be buried into the ground even 5 million individuals. Their remains, in other words primarily tusks, have been dug many tons from the ground and those have been used even as the raw material in the ivory industry, in other words we can't speak about the small amount of these discoveries.

In any case remarkable for these many mammoth discoveries is, that they have met from such kind of states, which have indicated, that they have been still in a very good condition when they have experienced sudden death. Some of them have been found in the standing position (!), some have had in their mouth and in their stomach still indigestible food and in addition to this some of them have been found completely as whole and undamaged.

So when this kind of discoveries are made on very extensive areas, indicate them to us, that there can't be a question of a local spring flood, slow death by hunger or ordinary death - such as has been explained. Any usual matter can't explain hundred of thousands of animals simultaneous and violent death, and nor that how they were buried into sludge and stratums. In the Flood like this could instead take place.

Organisms of the sea and remains of the sea on mountains and dry land areas

Perhaps the best evidence about the global Flood are remains, which have been found from mountains and dry land areas and of which origin is sea. (On nature programs of television can be found also comparable examples.) These remains certainly could not be found from the current discovery places, if sea wouldn't have earlier covered these areas.

- Already 500 years before beginning of the calendar Pythagoras found from the mountains remains of the sea organisms (p.11 "Planeetta maa").

- Historian Herodotos wrote about a hundred year later, that from the sand desert of Egypt can be collected shells. He concluded, that sea was earlier reached until there (p. 11 "Planeetta maa"). From the large sand deserts of Africa have been found also remains of the large marine animals.

- Ksenofanes found about 500 BC. sea fossils afar from the inland: he found for instance fish fossils in Syracuse from quarry in Sicily, and also from Malta and mainland. He concluded on the basis of these discoveries, that these areas had to earlier be covered by sea (p. 17 Nils Edelman - Viisaita ja veijareita geologian maailmassa ).

- Charles Darwin collided also into the remains of the sea. He found a whale skeleton from mountains area of Peru.

- Albaro Alonzo Barba, who was as a mine boss in Petos, mentions in his book, written in 1640, that he had found special shells from rocks between Potos and Oroneste in Bolivia, 3000 metres above sea lovel (s. 54 Nils Edelman: Viisaita ja veijareita geologian maailmassa )

- German, in 1700s lived geologist P.S. Pallas found from the mountains of Urals and Altai - both in Russia - stratified limestone and clay slates, which included remains of marine animals and remains of plants (p. 125 Nils Edelman: Viisaita ja veijareita geologian maailmassa).

- Also from Himalayas on many kilometres height have been found many sea organisms such as mussels, ammonites, belemnites, (ammonites and belemnites should be lived at the same time than dinosaurs) bone fishes, sea lilies, coral- and plankton fossils and relations of current sea-urchins and starfishes. For the example in the book "Maapallo ihmeiden planeetta" (p. 55) is told about these remains of sea life in the following way:

Japanese Harutaka Sakai from the university of Kyushu has used many years to research sea organism fossils of the Himalayas mountains. He and his group have catalogued actual aquarium of mesozoic period. Delicate sea lilies, relations of current sea-urchins and starfishes, are met on rock-faces over three kilometres above sea-level. Ammonites, belemnites, corals and plankton appears as the fossils in the rocks of mountains…

On the height of two kilometres geologists found marks what sea have formed there. Wave-like rock surface have same kind of forms, which remain to the sand because of the waves of the low water. Even from the peak of Everest can be found yellow stripes of limestone, which was born from innumerable remains of sea animals under the water.

- In addition to Himalayas, also from the Alps, Andes and Rocky Mountains have been made numerous discoveries from mussels, crustaceans, ammonites and stripes and clay slate strata, which include sea fossils. Other of these discoveries are on height of many kilometres. The next description from the Alps indicates existence of these sea fossils:

There is reason to check a little bit closer the original character of rock types in the ranges of mountains. In the Alps it can be seen as the best way preserved in northern, so said Helvetian belt, lime-Alps. The limestone is here at a profit. When we research here a stone on steep slopes of some mountain or on the peak - if we have energy to climb there -, so we will find there before long fossilised remains of the animals. They are also here often badly elongated, flattened and broken, still there are also such pieces, which can be determined according to their species. All those fossils are lime peels or skeletons of sea animals. Among them are spiral twisted ammonites and especially many two peel shell-fishes... To mind of reader can be risen surely some questions as a result of the presentation: What meaning is for that point, that in the ranges of mountains there are so many sediments, which have been stratified into bottom of the sea ? ... (p. 236,237 "Muuttuva maa", Pentti Eskola)

- Almost quarter of China is covered by limestone, in which has been found remains of corals, and of which origin is originally from sea (p. 97,100-106 "Maapallo ihmeiden planeetta"). Similar areas are also for instance in Yugoslavia and in the Alps.

- In England in a certain slate quarry of the Snowden Mountains is a enormous gravel and sand stratum about 1400 foot above sea-level. It is full of peels of shore shell-fishes.

- Fish-lizards' in other words Ichtyosaurs', which might grow several metres long, remains have been found for instance from England and Germany as buried into clay strata with their bones and skins. One this kind of water animal's skeleton, which has been preserved in the collection of Helsinki University Geological Institute, has been found from clay stone in Holzmaden of Wurttenberg. It is 2,5 metres long and preserved extremely well. (p. 371 "Muuttuva maa", Pentti Eskola)

- From the middle of France (Saint-Laon, Vienne) have been found ammonite peels in the limestone (p. 365 "Muuttuva maa", Pentti Eskola)

- About Bird-lizard (Archaeopteryx) has been found two fossils from limestone in Solnhofen Bavaria. About same limestone has been found also well preserved other fossils, such as insects, medusas, crayfishes, belemnites and fishes. (p. 372, "Muuttuva maa", Pentti Eskola)

- There are some areas in London, Paris and Vienna, which are former sea-bottom. For the example in Paris has been found limestone, which are formed essentially by mollusc peels of the tropical sea. (s. 377 "Muuttuva maa", Pentti Eskola)

- In the environment of Berlin is several metres thick silt stratum, where are peels of extinct gastropod (Paludina diluviana), and for instance remains of pike. (s. 410 "muuttuva maa, Pentti Eskola)

- For example such areas as Syria, Arabia, the current area of Israel and the region of Egypt have been former sea-bottom. (p. 401, 402 "Muuttuva maa", Pentti Eskola)

- From Tunisia near town of Tozeur can be found old oyster fossils. (p. 90 "Kuinka Mammutti pelastetaan", Björn Kurten)

- From the desert of Faijum 60 kilometres from Cairo to south-west, on the slope of high bluff of Djebel Qatran, have been found for instance remains of the whales and sea cows. (p. 23 "Jääkausi", Björn Kurten)

- From different parts of the globe have been found strata of fish fossils where is hundreds of thousands or millions of fishes. For the example in California in Herring's fossil stratum is estimated to be a billion fishes, on the area of ten square kilometre. Same on area from Germany to Caspian sea and in Italy, Scotland, Denmark (in the chalk cliff of Steven's Klint) and in south Spain (the hills of Caravaca) are strata of fish fossils, where have been millions of fishes. These all dry land areas must have been covered by sea, otherwise these fish discoveries wouldn't be possible.

- The well-known clay slate stratum of Burgess was found in 1909 in the Rocky Mountains. This stratum, which included tens of thousands of fossils of ancient sea-bottom, is nowadays over height of 2000 metre.

- From the north-west parts of Australia (p. 96 Maapallo ihmeiden planeetta) and from New Guinea has been found corals and fossils of fishes.

- From the mainland of the North America has been found remains of the whales a long distance from sea. These discoveries have been made for instance on Ontario lake, in Vermont, Quebec and St. Lawrence. So these areas must have been covered by sea formerly in the past .

- On high places of the globe - for instance on Himalayas and also on other high mountains - can be observed marks about ancient coast-lines and about the waves of water. These discoveries have been made also for instance in New Guinea, Italy, Sicily and in England, Ireland, Iceland, on Spitzbergen, Novaja-Semlja, the Land of Franz Joseph, on Greenland, on extensive area in the North America, South America, Algeria, Spain and so on. (Informations originated in mainly the book "Maanpinnan muodot ja niiden synty" , p. 99,100 / Iivari Leiviskä)

Also from Finland (and from the neighbourhoods of Finland) has been made several ancient shore discoveries. For the example on Pyhätunturi there are stones, in which can be seen wave marks. Same "ancient shores can be found from the slopes of many hills. In the southern Finland these kinds of places are for example Korppoo, Jurmo, Kaunissaari of Pyhtää and Virttaankangas of Säkylä and as more in north for example Lauhanvuori, Rokua and Aavasaksa." (citated text is from the book "Jokamiehen geologia", p. 96 / Kalle Taipale, Jouko.T.Parviainenl)

- From the mountains of Ararat height of 4500 metres has been found lava, which is born only in the underwater volcanic eruptions (Molen, M., Vårt ursprung?, 1991, p. 246)
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 11:55 pm
Petri, You really put all that effort to prove absolutely nothing. If you learn anything about geology, you'll learn that those sealife fossils found on mountains were not mountains when sealife were trapped. As for all the others, there were many localized floods - as we have today. So what's your point?
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 12:20 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Petri, You really put all that effort to prove absolutely nothing. If you learn anything about geology, you'll learn that those sealife fossils found on mountains were not mountains when sealife were trapped. As for all the others, there were many localized floods - as we have today. So what's your point?

My point is that the Bible records things correct. And other explanations are like one little drop in the ocean.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 01:18 am
Thanks for those scientific links, Petri.

I'm rally glad, Noah and all the animals (as well as Mrs. Noah, of course) survived that flood.

Must have been somewhat of a great job for Noah, though:
The man Noah was the grandson of Methuselah (Gen. 5:25-29), who was for two hundred and fifty years contemporary with Adam, and the son of Lamech, who was about fifty years old at the time of Adam's death.

He lived five hundred years, and then there were born unto him three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Gen. 5:32).
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 05:16 am
So when this kind of discoveries are made on very extensive areas, indicate them to us, that there can't be a question of a local spring flood, slow death by hunger or ordinary death - such as has been explained. Any usual matter can't explain hundred of thousands of animals simultaneous and violent death, and nor that how they were buried into sludge and stratums. In the Flood like this could instead take place.

Wow, most mammoths and mastodons have been found in terrestraial strata, including the "thousands" found in frozen muskeg and peat swamps in tundra and taiga environments. There have been about 250 mammoths from the Labrea tarpits, that doesnt mean that the earth was covered with tar.
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 05:57 am
Your "sources" dont recognize the effects of environments of deposition nor tectonics. You forgot Leonardo, who also had a sizable section about "mountains of Clams" in his notes that we call "The Leicester Codex" AT leats he recognized that there was some mechanism that made the mountain rise AFTER the fossil laden seafloor had been deposited.
The raising of mountains needs a mechanism to arrive at the very structural features your sources have mentioned. When India slammed into Asia, strata in the forelands were compressed and imprinted on fossils contained therein. Using fossils as mechanical "strain gages" is a technique that has been in use by geologists since the early 30's.

The Jurassic solnhofen limestone has been studied to death and the environment of the Tethys sea(in which the Solnhofen was deposited) has been fairly well interpreted. It was a shallow coralline sea with lagoons and small islands.
Youre connection of "marine deposits" across sections of the map forgets one fact, that the seas retreat and move as basins form and continents move around.
Your sources, I assume are only interested in 2 dimensions not depth and time. THEY hardly recognize the geologic time of deposition and tectonics.
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 06:31 am
Its a shame to quote Pentii Eskola in the same breath as this "flood geology" stuff. Eskola was the "father" of metamorphic facies. His work was done mostly in the 20's but has been supported by the findings of Sea floor spreading in the 60's and 70's
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 06:39 am
So these areas must have been covered by sea formerly in the past .
.But for it to be a worldwide flood, it would have to have happened at the same time.

There are places on the planet where there is no evidence of any sea floor or marine deposits. All the others are not connected in time or space.When there was a shallow sea in one area, there was dry land in many others. I hope this fact has not been dismissed by your beliefs.
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Green Witch
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 07:17 am
Farmerman, I just want to you to know I admire and thank you for your patience on threads like these. While the person who started the thread might have their hands over their eyes and their fingers in their ears, I'm learning a lot from you. I tend not to respond to threads like this for many reasons, but I just had to let you know your typing is not wasted. Some of us are getting a mini-education in geology and such from your responses. Thanks again.
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 07:21 am
Embarrassed :wink:
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 08:15 am
Because knowing God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful. But they became vain in their reasonings, and their undiscerning heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became foolish.
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 08:31 am
The flood as described in the bible has really taken place and Bush is a genius have about the same level of veracity.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 10:19 am
au, Have you seen my recent post about Bush? He claimed he had communication from god to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 10:58 am
Yes. Have seen it before. He as all the fanatically religious scare the hell out of me. They are attempting to turn this secular and diverse nation into a Christian theocracy. What could possibly be more dangerous to freedom we now enjoy?

Ironic is it not. We are fighting against religious fanaticism in the middle east while our freedom is being assaulted by religion here in the states. I guess which religion it is-is the criteria.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 11:52 am
Most religious people are fanatics. They don't understand the principles of democracy (freedom from religion), the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, and impose their religious beliefs on others by regulating our laws. It's not only scary, but downright undemocratic.
0 Replies

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