The Flood has really taiken place!

Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 08:17 am
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traditional knowledge of Nations and the Flood

When it is a question of the Flood, we don't need to search for information about it only from nature, but we have evidence from it also in the traditional knowledge of nations. Has estimated, that these stories, which have been found from different parts of the world, would be at least 140-150 pieces. Many of these stories have naturally changed on the way, but however essential in those all is, that water is mentioned as the originator of the devastation. In many of these stories are mentioned also earlier prevailed good times, The Fall of man and the mixture of the languages which took place in Babel (Babylon) - in other words matters, about which the Bible also speaks.

These stories can be found as different tribes as Babylonians, Australian natives, China's Miao tribe, Africans' dwarfs of Efe, the Hopi Indians of America and Padago tribe in the North America. It, that the story of the Flood has spread very wide area around the world, seems to be a clear reference to it, that the Flood has after all taken place. For the example in the book " Earth" has been written of these stories:

If the world wide Flood wouldn't have been reality, so some nations would have put frightening volcanic eruptions, large snow storms, droughts... to destroy their bad ancestors. The universality of the Flood story is therefore one of the best evidences about its truthfulness. We could pass any kind of these legends as separate and regard it as a product of the person's active imagination, but together, from the perspective of global, they are almost indisputable.


According to the Bible when Noah went into the ark, was there in addition to him only seven other person in other words altogether there was eight person in the ark. (Gen 7:7 and 1 Peter 3:20).

However, it is interesting, that the same number eight and a clear reference to the Flood comes into view even in the characters, especially in Chinese writing system. For in Chinese writing system the ship symbol is a boat, in which there are eight persons in other words just the same number as in the ark of Noah! In the same way in a character Flood there is a figure eight! Therefore it can't be mere accident, that same number eight is connected with the ship symbol and also the Flood. This connection is certainly because of it, that also the Chinese have preserved the traditional knowledge about the same global Flood as other nations. They have also believed already in ancient times only in one God of the Heaven.

On the other hand in Chinese writing system there is also another peculiarity, word righteous. For character of this righteous word is composed of two different parts: upper part means a lamb and under is personal pronoun I. So there has been earlier a comprehension, that person can't by himself be righteous, but only when he is under the lamb, he is then righteous.

And getting of the righteousness in nowadays doesn't deviate about that, how Chinese have understood this matter already in ancient times. Also nowadays we must be in the same way below that Lamb, which God has given us, in other words we must be below Jesus Christ, that we would have righteousness. To this thing refer the next places of the Bible:

- (John 1:29) The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

- (1 Cor 1:30) It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God-that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,005 • Replies: 34
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subculture of one
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:01 am
It appears to me that you are attempting to gain converts through your posting and starting of threads? This is not criticism, I just think that your post in the Chinese character thread, this one and the "Jesus-True Vine" thread might be better served if you just started a single thread about such things... Just a thought.

BTW the old testament account of the flood (basically) comes from the Babylonian story of Utnapishtim... Does that mean that the Chinese writing system was influenced by the Babylonians?

There are flood stories all OVER the place. Does that validdate the Bible? Well, there are many historical things in the Bible... Does it validate the _TEACHINGS_ of the Bible. No, that is for the believer to believe and the curious to decide. Not flamin' just sayin'...

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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:22 am
subculture_of_one wrote:
It appears to me that you are attempting to gain converts through your posting and starting of threads? This is not criticism, I just think that your post in the Chinese character thread, this one and the "Jesus-True Vine" thread might be better served if you just started a single thread about such things... Just a thought.

BTW the old testament account of the flood (basically) comes from the Babylonian story of Utnapishtim... Does that mean that the Chinese writing system was influenced by the Babylonians?

There are flood stories all OVER the place. Does that validdate the Bible? Well, there are many historical things in the Bible... Does it validate the _TEACHINGS_ of the Bible. No, that is for the believer to believe and the curious to decide. Not flamin' just sayin'...


The Bible is truth and its incidents also other nations tradition knowedge admits and prooves through of the same type accounts.
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subculture of one
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:27 am
Many other nations 'prove' historical accounts and the like, but not the teaching.... Christ was not in China during the time of Lao Tzu and Taoism does not reflect Christianity at all. That was more my point.

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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:34 am
subculture_of_one wrote:
Many other nations 'prove' historical accounts and the like, but not the teaching.... Christ was not in China during the time of Lao Tzu and Taoism does not reflect Christianity at all. That was more my point.


The Bible records that after building of tower of Babel God scattered people from there, over the face of all the earth.

By that way the information passed everywhere also to China, because people told about it. But after time had passing accounts change its form among nations, but in the Bible is real account from the Flood.
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:46 am
It's not surprising that every culture has flood myths. Floods are natural phenomena that happen everywhere. To claim that the various flood myths prove that a worldwide flood actually occurred is ridiculous. Flood myths are from a time when the world wasn't much larger than 1000sq miles for the those living in an area.

If hurricanes happened on more than just the coastlines of temperate climates we would have hurricane myths. If major earthquakes weren't basically restricted to fault lines we would have earthquake myths.

Floods just happen to be something that no part of the world is immune from. Almost no part. I don't think the Inuits have a flood myth.
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:53 am
parados wrote:
Floods just happen to be something that no part of the world is immune from. Almost no part. I don't think the Inuits have a flood myth.

agreed with the rest of your remarks. just wanted to add that few parts of the inhabited world are immune from floods. there may well be many unihabited regions that never experience floods, but such regions tend to be unihabited because of lack of fresh water.
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:54 am
Also, there is NO evidence of any kind that supports that there was a worldwide flood. Marine sediments or fluvial sediments connected worldwide, just do not exist. Now perhaps somebody has come along and swept off the areas of continental craton areas or shield rocks.

This is the most illogical and unfounded "factoid" , and it all begins with believing that the Bible is either a valid science or history book. I know we will never convince you, but I , personally will be giggling quietly in the background.
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 11:13 am
from different parts of the world have been met trunk fossils, which locate inside of the ground and they reached through many different layers. Often these wooden trunks are as the one mess with the sludge, bones and mud, and theirs roots are also upside down, which all is evidence about the large devastation. So that these trunk fossils would generally be born and be preserved, they must have been buried very quickly into stratums of the ground - otherwise of these trees, other plants and animals wouldn't have remained any fossils.

Birth of the fossils

Existing of the fossils in the ground is a powerful evidence about the Flood. Because the birth of the fossils is explicable only by that way; that mud and sludge avalanches have buried very quickly some living or dead animals and plants. If this burying doesn't take place quickly, there can't be formed any fossils, because otherwise decomposing activity of the bacteria and carcass eaters or herbivores would have destroyed plant or animal already in a few days. Noteworthy is indeed that nowadays isn't formed just any fossils. For the example well-known explorer Nordenskjöld noticed, that from Spitzbergen is more easier to find some old gigantic lizard remain, as recently buried seal, even though on that area are millions of seals.

Therefore is indeed considerable problem to us explain, how large animals such as mammoths, dinosaurs, rhinoceroses, hippos, horses and also other large animals have stayed under the mud bulk and under the layer of the ground, if we don't believe in the Flood. For the example merely mammoths are estimated to be buried into the ground about 5 million individuals. In the current conditions these kinds of animals wouldn't be buried inside of the ground, but they would decay quickly on the ground or the carrion eaters would eat them real soon. The next description (James.D. Dana: "Manual of Geology, p. 141) indicates to us, how quickly burying is necessary from the point of view of the fossils:

Vertebrate animals, such as fishes, reptiles etc. decompose, when their soft parts become removed. Them must be buried quickly after the death, so that they would avoid the destroying and there is also danger of getting to be eaten by other animals.

buried AS ALIVE

Several fossils are a very clear evidence about it, that they have been quickly buried.

But in addition to this fast burying there are several evidences that these animals have been still alive at their burying moment. This matter is indicated to us in the following examples:

Fish fossils. From the ground have been found plenty of fish fossils, which have marks of that, that they have been buried as alive and quickly.

Firstly have been found fish fossils, which have had in their mouth another smaller fish, when suddenly ground bulks have buried them. In other words if fish is eating its meal, hardly it is at this moment experiencing normal death, but it has lived the normal life of fish, until it has been quickly buried.

Secondly there have been found large group of fish fossils, which have been all scales still remaining, mouth open and all fins outspread. Always if in the fishes are found these kinds of marks, they indicate to us, that they must have been still alive and to fight against their destiny, until they suddenly have been buried. This like quickly burying in the Flood under the sludge would be to these fishes the most probable habit to die. For the example from armour fishes, which are found old red sandstone layers, are about 9/10 in such position - they have raised their two horns with right-angled form onto their head's bone slab as the mark of the danger - that indicates, that they have been quickly buried.

And fish fossils can't be formed in any other way - except that way mentioned before - because fishes in normal conditions are ruined very quickly or other animals eat them. However, in the fishes' "cemeteries" can be millions of these kinds of fish fossils.
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subculture of one
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 12:15 pm
Hrmm..... I believe also here we need to differentiate between FLOOD and flood.... It is accepted in many scientific circles now that coastlines are MUCH different now than they were (approx) 12000 years ago... While there was no global flood, there is compelling evidence/theory that inhabited coastal areas (at the same time in history) were rendered uninhabitable... Thus forcing people to migrate further 'inland'... There are a number of submerged city-sites that have been discovered in the last 50 years. Ho-Hum...

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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 03:24 pm
Green River Shales fish fossils are in a "death assemblage" because the lakes were actually drying up and anoxia set in.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 03:48 pm
beam me up scottie

arhma geddon outta here
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 04:51 pm
Well, if there were just seven persons to populate the earth, the inbreeding would explain the state of the nations now.
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 04:59 pm
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 05:07 pm
Well it does explain the red states. Which, I assume, leaves the explanation for the blue states in the hands of aliens. I often feel alienated.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 05:19 pm
If there was a world flood, all the living things in the ocean would have a commonality, but there isn't. Get a copy of the current issue of National Geographic; it addresses some special (new) species in Indonesia.
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 05:22 pm
performance artist laurie anderson had this to say about the flood, makes as much sense as anything i've read so far

A certain American religious sect has been looking at conditions of the world during the Flood.
According to their calculations, during the Flood the winds, tides and currents were in an overall southeasterly direction.
This would mean that in order for Noah's Ark to have ended up on Mount Ararat, it would have to have started out several thousand miles to the west.
This would then locate pre-Flood civilization in the area of Upstate New York, and the Garden of Eden roughly in New York City.

Now, in order to get from one place to another, something must move.
No one in New York remembers moving, and there are no traces of Biblical history in the Upstate New York area.
So we are led to the only available conclusion in this time warp, and that is that the Ark has simply not left yet.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 05:32 pm
Maybe they can use one of those new super-duper huge cruise boats. At least they don't have to worry about housing all them dinosaurs. LOL
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 05:46 pm
I think I detect a bit of sarcasm here.
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 06:12 pm
The Flood has really taiken place!
Gulp! A touchdown for the non believers on the opening kickoff.http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/football.gif
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