[PS, I feel I should put this post scrit at the top because , I just want to say good luck, my argument confuse me for a long while, I hope you can work out what I mean.]
I'm sorry if I'm starting to annoy you.
Before I respond to that post, I just want to ask for some definitions, I don't want to be going round in circles because I don't realise that the river is me...
social construction
If when you say knowledge I think of something other than what you mean when you say knowledge, I definatly will start to annoy you, because I won't stop till I'm at least slight less confused.
To me, knowedgle has to be based on some kind of truth. If I said "I know how to play the guitar", the picked up my guitar and started blowing on it, I wouldn't actualy 'know how to play the guitar'. It could be said that the 'knowledge' that the guitar is not blown on is socially constructed, I would except that is socially constructed knowlegde...
But to me there is knowledge that is not socially constructed as socially constructed mean something that is not true. The knowledge that a guitar should be strummed, is social constructed, because the 'fact'/belief that a guitar should be strummed is created/constructed by sociaty. However the fact that there I can perseve the guitar at all means there is a
something there, even if the 'fact' that it's a guitar is something socialy constructed, there is something there. Otherwise you have you have to doubt all reality.
Well...My response to your last points (may as well keep going if I have understood)
My problem seems that even though in theory this may be sound a argument, in practice, in life, it's not something you can really live by. I didn ask what would you do in that situation if you were a christian scientist, I asked what
you would do. I'm asking if you personnal live by what your argueing would you personal tell someone who asked whether to use peanutbutter or chemotherapy (I looked it up this time,

) you would tell them to toss a coin?
Even if you did tell them to toss a coin then you would be accepting that all knowlegde is socialy constructed. However if all knowledge is socailly constructed, then the 'fact' that you know that all knowledge is socially constructed, is either:-
socially constructed, however, then the 'fact' you 'know' that all knowledge is socially constructed must be socially constructed as there is no knowledge beond socially constructed knowledge. Therefore you could never actually know that all knowledge is socially constructed, because there is no truth that can be known, only 'truth' that can be 'known'. So you are unable to know, for sure, what socially constructed knowledge is, so how can you claim that all knowledge is socially constructed
True, therefore saying 'all knowledge is socially constructed' is a truth, something beond our agreed discription of reality and something true no matter what socially construct language discribes it as.
I don't think I'm so much attatched to the intergraty of the self, it's more that I'm attached to the integraty of numbers and maths (if my old maths teachers could hear/see me now!) as something beond social control, no matter what sociaty tries to prove, or claims as 'fact', or 'knowledge' it will never change the fact that 2+2=4.