Fri 14 Oct, 2005 12:21 pm
has enyone come up with an answer of which was first the chicken or the egg??
Probably the egg, because it is unlikely that the chicken is the first species in its evolutionary history to produce offspring that way. Most likely, its immediate pre-chicken ancestor also produced offspring by laying eggs.
that is true since reptiles come from eggs. so dinosaurs too. i dont think a chicken would have survived the dinosaur age..the coronel in KFC looks old but i dont think they were selling Fried chicken in the stone age.
Related question, around what location in the world did the modern day chicken develope?
I was watching "rome" on hbo and started wondering if they had chickens there at the time, or if they were all in asia, or someplace else.
Chicken or the Egg
Chicken or the Egg
Posted by Roofingguy on October, 14. :: 3 Comments
has enyone come up with an answer of which was first the chicken or the egg??
The chicken had to come first since the mother hen must sit on the egg for at least ten days before the egg will hatch and produce a baby chicken.
If the egg had come first there would have been no mother hen to take care of it.
Its not hen nor egg... its the cock who came first ..... without whome hen wouldn't be able to lay any eggs
Chicken or egg
Hens lay eggs without the roosters help, however it is the rooster that makes them fertile.
You bring up an important point, it takes two chickens to make an egg that will produce life. So the question should be , "which came first the Hen and Rooster or the egg?
Since we know that an egg requires assistance from a hen to survive, then the answer must be that the egg couldn't have come first unless the creator put it into a special incubator. (In which case he would have had to put two eggs in there, one for the hen and one for a rooster, otherwise a single hen would only last one generation.
Since the egg couldn't have come first, then it must have been a chicken that came first. A single rooster or hen would be useless for propagating life so we are left with two prospects 1. The Creator made the necessary pair all at the same time. or 2. The Creator made a fertilized hen in his laboratory and dropped it off on earth, EGAD, immaculate conception!!.
in a chicken yet!! I wonder if chickens have a secret religion??
LOL!! I'm sorry Vinsan, I missed your clever humor on the first reading.
Chai Tea wrote:Related question, around what location in the world did the modern day chicken develope?
I was watching "rome" on hbo and started wondering if they had chickens there at the time, or if they were all in asia, or someplace else.
Sheffield, England in 1986. A chicken was found developing photographic negatives in a barn.
my answer is they both did if theres an egg then there is a chicken inside it. or it was an egg because two weird things had sex and produced a chicken then the chicken had an egg then that chicken had an egg see it makes sense
egg , zygote mutation supposidly
egg , zygote mutation supposedly
Brandon9000 wrote:Chai Tea wrote:Related question, around what location in the world did the modern day chicken develope?
I was watching "rome" on hbo and started wondering if they had chickens there at the time, or if they were all in asia, or someplace else.
Sheffield, England in 1986. A chicken was found developing photographic negatives in a barn.
Just saw this after all these months
bwaa ha ha.
here's my answer..
if dinosaurs are related to birds(ie chickens) ..
and if dinosaurs are related to reptiles(ie turtles)...
then it is possible that early chickens are related to turtles..transitive prop.
so... turtles lay their eggs and they hatch without parent turtle..
also.. a certain species of early reptiles could have had a mutation in
their sex cells.. once they copulate and produce an egg.. they're
reptile genes force the parent reptile to leave the egg alone..
the egg hatches as a baby chicken.. other chickens(formed by other members of the reptile species with mutated sex cells) copulate and produce more chickens with genes that force the hens to help the eggs survive..
Actually you cannot answer this question easily.
To get the idea behind this problem one should look at evolution of life.
In the early times(many million years before) there was no life on earth.
Then simple compounds came together forming complex compounds and these inturn formed organallae. Various organallae got grouped together to form a cell. And these cells reproduced by simple fission process.
These cells got grouped together to form tissues, then organs, then organ systems and then an organism which you call a chicken.
Various cells in the chicken (reproductive cells) got capacity to produce egg which then forms a juvenile chick and this cycle goes on!
Thus to conclude at first there was no chicken nor egg but both of these evolved from the specialisation of the cells which formed tissues.
One tissue meant for growth and other meant for reproduuction.
In a way you can say both chicken and egg evoloved simultaneously.
But strictly speaking first cell got formed and it was later that it underwent fission to reproduce.
If you find any mistake in my views..forgive me
But this is the best I could say.