ohhh lord..
there was only one song that made me cry
it was in 1996 when my grandmother died.
Idont even know what song it was and I dont care to.
My aunt, at the time , was living with me and my mother & brother to help take care of their mom ( all in the same house mind you) and my aunt got into the habit of turning on the radio to some silly top 40 station.. every day .. all day
my gramma was bed ridden the last 6 months of her life and the radio was always on for her and so was a small tv. The day she died my mother and I were out in the yard, raking dog poop and my aunt was inside taking care of gramma.
We heard her calling us over the intercom and my mom and i just stood really still for a while and hugged.
We spent some time in grammas room with her before we called hospice , and the morgue. And that stupid song came on the radio and for a week i could not get it out of my head. Its corny lyrics were some what appropriate at the time.
I heard that song about 6 months after gramma died. I was driving in my truck with my boyfriend at the time. And I just started wailing. We pulled over and I got out of my truck and just stood on the side of the street crying. Poor Brian was totally confused, but he hugged me all the same and a few minutes later he got into the driver saide and me in the passenger side and he took me home.
I dont think he finally went home until about 2 am. I never told him what sprung those tears because i was embarassed at crying over a stupid song, but he knew my gramma and I am sure he knew that is where it came from.
That was so embarassing and it pissed me off so bad that I have never turned to radio for music again. Very rarely.. will i turn on the radio. I typically only use CD's at this point.