Sat 5 Apr, 2003 06:12 pm
A seventh of seven is not a seventh of seventy-seven, nor seven hundred. Seven occurs ??? times in this riddle.
How much is ??? ?
There are multiple answers to this riddle. A windows feature best illustrates this.
Press CTR F type seven in the box. Click "Find next" repeatedly to cycle through the sevens.
Then check the box to "match whole word only" and do the same.
You will get different results.
Of the many answers that fit I choose 3.
Quote:A seventh of seven is not a seventh of seventy-seven, nor seven hundred. Seven occurs ??? times in this riddle.
That's 7 seven's. Not 3, as you said. Now continue...your original answer was wrong, so revise your answer.
yes seventh counts in the word seventh
like I said there are multiple (by this I mean easily more than 7) possible answers to the riddle. My favorite is 3.
I disagree but will not try to explain. My first post gave your desired answer (follow the steps) then my prefered answer.
it's a paradox, no answer. If you put in 7, it becomes 8. If you put in 8 it's false, and if u put in 6 it's false also
another solution perhaps...
The question asks "Seven occurs ??? times in this riddle?"
In the words "this riddle" seven does not occur at all.
so the answer is a big fat zero
That is one answer. The Paradox answer I refer to is because the number is inserted into the riddle therefore making the count forever skewed.
im just confused by this whole thread