The celebratory meals are mmmmmm
They are indeed (I was lookin' at the NY Times recipes online ... oh yeah).
L'Shana Tovah, Ragman!
I actually like gefilte fish (odd, I know). Yeah, it's kinda the Jewish version of chitterlings, I suppose.
Tnx. Though things aren't boding well (red Sox) and it's been barely one day.
So...uh...what year is this now?
p.s. I'm rather fond of gefilte fish also.
@Lustig Andrei,
5772, I believe...but it's marked down from the year 6000.
Happy New Year (Rosh Hashanah)!!
Thank you, and to you and yours as well! Greetings from the 58th century!
Happy New Year to all who celebrate.
I celebrate the high holiday in my own individual way. While I do not attend religious services, I visit nature and say a silent prayer in a meditation.
Busha i s the diminutive form for like "granny" in many Eastern Europen dialects
L'Shana Tova, jespah!
(Hope I got that right!)
Absolutely! And, thank you!
Just as last year, I did this tribute on the radio thread.
L'Shana Tovah to all.
Enjoy some teiglach to help usher in a sweet year.
On a more serious note, the police have stepped up security around synagogues in the U.S. during the High Holy Days because of the unrest in the Middle East.
Let's hope those Rosh Hashanah wishes and prayers for a peaceful year ahead are answered.
For those that still believe that some young Jewish males are obsessed with the shiksa for his romantic fantasies, I believe it is changing, or already changed to romantic fantasies with Asian girls. I say this since the non-Jewish shiksa is sort of like many an assimilated Jewish girl, or vice versa, in my opinion, and only the Asian girl has become a sort of trophy to many males, not just Jewish.
In those marriages (Asian/Jewish), imagine how many hours the children will be studying under the hegemony of an Asian ("Tiger") mother.
I envision a new breed of Jewish woman without cellulite!
OW, my teeth its make hurting