Fri 30 Sep, 2005 01:01 pm
In MS Word 2003, how do I print the file name at the bottom of a document?
click the View dropdown menu
click Header and Footer
a Header and Footer pallette should appear
go to the bottom of the page, and click inside the Footer box
click the Insert Date icon (4th icon from the left)
the date will appear inside the Footer box
close the Header and Footer pallette...
Or ... you can open a footer; click on the Insert drop down menu at the top; select "Auto-Text"; then select "Filename and path" (just "Filename" if that's all you want). You can then resize the filename/path, change font, etc.
Caution: These instructions will work in MS Word 2002; not sure about 2003, although I assume they are identical in this respect.
Thanks for the info. It works just like I wanted.
I set up a keyboard macro and assigned it to Alt+F so I don't have to do all of those steps for EVERY file.
Thanks again,